Chapter 23.2

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Grigori awaited the Master's return outside his private chamber. He still didn't know what he was doing there. He had planned to ask the Master about what he overheard earlier, but in doing so, he risked endangering himself or worse — the Romanovs. Deep in thought, he jumped when a delicate hand touched his arm. It was Katheryn Howard.

"Forgive me. I did not mean to startle you."

Grigori sighed and offered her a smile in greeting. The Howard girl was one of the few souls in the Circles who'd made it particularly hard for the Keeper of the Gates because of her innocent-looking and charming personality. She'd been doomed because of her actions in life, but in all honesty, worse beings lurked in Hell.

"Huh, you don't do that much," she said. "Smile, I mean."

"There is not much cause for it here," said Grigori.

"Then you must create moments that make you smile. And you really should. You have a lovely smile."

It had been a long time since anyone gave Grigori a compliment like that. He didn't know how to react to it, especially coming from this fickle girl, barely a woman. She had been the lowest of the low in the Circles but had managed to work her way up with the only skill she knew. Grigori now wondered if the Master had a hand in her elevated station. There was still much he didn't know about the man, as it turned out.

"Perhaps you are right," Grigori said. "One needs to smile."

"Of course I'm right." Katheryn leaned against the wall beside him. "Do you mind if I wait here with you?"

"You have business with the Master?"

"I need to report on an important task he entrusted me with."

"Nothing dangerous, I hope, milady?" The girl blushed at the title, and Grigori moved closer to her. "May I perhaps be allowed to help you with your task? You can have all the merit, of course. My reward will be to have aided such a charming young lady."

"Oh, I... I could not —"

"And perhaps... you could also provide me with some advice? I face a problem that is too grand for me. But a grand lady like yourself might just have the answer I desperately seek. Yet you must promise to keep quiet about it."

"Is it a secret?" Katheryn's eyes gleamed at the notion.

"A secret, indeed. But then again, you may not be interested in the affairs of a simple man such as me. Forgive me. I was not thinking."

"No!" she squeaked. "No, I do want to know. Very much. Oh, tell me, please?"

Grigori pretended to look through the corridor to ensure nobody was coming and then leaned in to whisper, "I have recently learned something that could possibly mean the end for... a dear friend of mine. The threat against him is far greater than he may realise."

"Why not simply dispose of this threat yourself?" inquired Katheryn.

"The man jeopardising my friend is somewhat unique and extremely dangerous. A direct attack could mean my own demise."

"Then let another do it for you. I remember Henry had his spies everywhere around the kingdom and beyond. When they told him of a threat, he would ask them; what is the weakness of the threat? Then he would send the one most fit to deal with that weakness. You should do the same."

Grigori had to give the girl credit. She was smarter than she appeared. 

"That is exceptionally good advice indeed." He bowed to her. "Now, how may I offer my service... your Highness?"

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