Chapter 16.2

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Lucifer returned to his chambers after sending Grigori back to the Resia Sanctum. He briefly considered paying Borgia and Bathory another visit to inflict further torture on them, but decided against it. He yet needed them. Their punishment would last just long enough for them to understand nothing happened without his knowledge and approval. With some luck, they would serve as an example to others who believed the rules didn't apply to them.
The Devil changed into his burgundy robes and sat in his chair by the fire. Perhaps the only advantage of living in the Circles; one was never cold. As he watched the dancing flames, his mind wandered to that another time, another place where a certain someone had provided the only warmth he needed. Then a knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

"Enter." A blonde girl in a red night dress appeared on his threshold. "Thank you for coming, Katheryn. Join me a moment."

Two cups appeared on the table, and Katheryn Howard brought them along. She took a seat opposite Lucifer and sipped her wine.

"Forgive me for yelling at you earlier," he said. "I hope you understand pretences need to be kept?"

"Of course, my Lord." Katheryn flicked her yellow hair back with a childish gesture of her hand. "Has it gone according to plan?"

"More or less. It would have been better if Borgia had not killed so many, but it is what it is. The dead will find their place in the next life."

"So, what's next?"

"Leave him simmering for now. Let him lick his wounds. I shall ensure he learns what is at stake should he forget his place. Make your way back to him after I've done so. Be his light in the dark."

"And if he finds out he's just a pawn?"

"We're all pawns in someone's game, Katheryn. But it's not my game he's playing now, is he?"

Katheryn blushed and sipped her wine again. Lucifer was still amazed at how a girl like her had worked her way up through the Circles, using the only skill she knew. When she'd eventually attracted his attention and made her way into his bed as well, it hadn't taken long for her to make connections no one else had made before. He had recognised the former Queen's charm and uncanny wits could prove useful and took her into his service. The sole condition was to keep quiet about his true identity. So far, she hadn't failed him yet. 

"You're certain Borgia doesn't suspect?" Lucifer inquired.

"Quite certain, my Lord," said Katheryn. "All we do when we're together is fuck. We never talk about his sister. Or anything else, really."

"Let's keep it that way. The last thing we need is him going rogue to search for Lucrezia."

"But even if he were to find her, it wouldn't matter, right?"

"The Borgias have a way of getting what they want." Lucifer scowled. "If he discovers where she's been this entire time, he won't stop until she's free from her prison. And knowing Borgia, he will want to destroy his darling sister's captor and take her to the only place she will ever be safe. We cannot allow that to happen. Lucrezia knows too much."

"Do you really believe the Archangels would listen to someone like her? That they would accept the Borgias to be amongst them?"

"They might be cautious about him, but not her. Lucrezia has a certain way with words. And the Archangels always see the good in people, even those who have little to none left in them. It's in their nature."

"Aha... I suppose that is why you chose me then. You saw something good in me."

The Howard girl didn't even have time to blink. Lucifer's hand was around her throat, his eyes pitch black. The fire roared high, matching his fury. 

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