Chapter 8.2

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Gabriël groaned when Joan helped him sit down against a slope. He glanced up at his lover, certain she was as exhausted from carrying him as he was from walking such a distance after days of nothing. But, if she was, she didn't show it.
She left him a moment to ensure they hadn't been followed. Gabriël tried to let his eyes grow accustomed to his surroundings. It was dark, but not as dark as the cell had been. He heard Joan's footsteps as she returned and attempted to push himself up, but she stopped him.

"Don't," she said, dropping a knapsack of what he assumed were supplies to the ground. "You need to rest."

"Just a little while," said Gabriël. "Michael will have found out I'm missing by now. Where are we, anyway?"

"You don't recognise it?"

Gabriël closed his eyes, using his other senses to determine his surroundings. He was sitting on cold stone, but not the stone one used to build a house - more like rough rocks. So they hadn't taken the tunnel to the Gates, to Peter's fisherman's hut. Perhaps that was for the best. He would have hated to cause any problems for the old man.
He took a deep breath. The air was fresh. So much nicer than the dank, cold stuffiness of the catacombs. It reminded him of nature. And then he heard it – the rush of water.

"We're in the caverns under the waterfall," he said, opening his eyes. "You remembered."

"The one place Michael's gaze doesn't reach. It took me a while to find the right route to the entrance in the catacombs, though. I searched the tunnels for two days before finding it and then walked the route here to check for traps. We should be safe for the time being."

"Until Michael consults the maps. I marked the route to this place in case of crisis."

"Damn. Well, at least we have a head start. Here, eat something while I fill the canteen. I'll help you bathe as well. The water from the falls should help you recover some of the energy you lost."

As Joan left to get water, Gabriël looked over the supplies – food, some small weapons that could be hidden on their person, their swords, a satchel with herbs, his antidote vials, modern Earth clothes... He was astonished at how well she had prepared their escape. Astonished and grateful. What would he have done without her?

"Where do we go from here?" he asked when she returned with the water.

"The only place we can go, I suppose," Joan said as she sat beside him. "Down to the Mortal Realm to find a Nephilim Sanctum. It's too dangerous for us to stay here. Even if we can convince Michael to listen to us, he will never allow us to be together. And I can't give you up, Gabriël. Being without you these days was agony. I felt just like I did in the days before my execution, only worse. I was sick with worry."

"I've been worried about you, too. And you're right. Leaving is our only option. But I still wished it didn't have to be like this. The Vale has been my home, our home, for so long. It feels wrong to leave."

Joan gently kissed his cheek, comforting him instantly. Gabriël wanted to take her into his arms, but he was far too tired to move. As fatigue finally took hold of him, he heard Joan's soft whispering voice, "Sleep, my love. I will watch over you."

Gabriël's eyes shot back open. His head jerked toward her. 

"What did you say?"

"I, um... N-Nothing. Go to sleep."

"No, hold on, you said, 'my love'. Didn't you?"

She remained quiet and looked down.

"Joan, tell me honestly; do you love me?"

Her lips pressed together. Gabriël sighed at her stubbornness. Fine, if he had to say it first, he would.

"Do you remember when I told you I hadn't been down to Earth to take a lover in a while?"

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