Chapter 20.2

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Morpheus's anxiety grew with every minute the Devil remained in his presence. Why couldn't that fiend just leave? 

"Mustn't forget your other guest, Morpheus," Lucifer suddenly said casually

Jolted out of his petrified stupor, the Lord of Dreams stumbled to a big cord behind his throne. After pulling it three times, another maidservant appeared. Not nearly as pretty as the first, but still easy on the eye and far younger.

"Make up a room near the Fallen Angel's," barked Morpheus. "And be quick about it!"

The girl bowed and scurried away. The Countess' demonic eyes followed her hasty departure. Morpheus didn't like the way this creature was looking at his possession. 

"I will walk the grounds to ensure everything is secure," she then said.

"Yes, go ahead." Lucifer waved her away. "Oh, and Countess, a small reminder of our own agreement; care for Joan and see that nothing happens to her or the child. All your beauty will be returned to you if you accomplish your task. If not..."

Lucifer held his hand up and the decay from the Blood Countess's neck crept toward her face. Her eyes widened, and she panted heavily. When the Devil lowered his hand again, the rot disappeared. The Countess' breathing eased as well. She bowed deeply and left Morpheus to deal with her master alone.

"That seems like an interesting way to punish someone," said Morpheus without thinking.

"Perhaps you would like me to try it on you?" Lucifer grinned at him.

"No! No, that... won't be necessary."

"Relax, just a joke. I am allowed to make one from time to time."

Morpheus scoffed quietly. He didn't really see a joker in the Prince of Hell. He didn't see a lot of things in the man. Lucifer was one of the greatest mysteries Morpheus had ever encountered. And for one as old as him, that said something.

"I thank you again for your hospitality toward Joan and aid in the... other matter," continued Lucifer. "Do try to keep all my precious pawns in one piece in the next months."

Morpheus moaned miserably. Months with a pregnant girl, an Archangel he had no control over, that rotting demon and the Devil popping in and out of his Realm simply wouldn't do.

"Oh, cheer up, Morpheus. It's not that bad. If you want to manipulate time, as I know you sometimes do, and speed things along, I won't stop you. All I ask is you give me enough time to prepare for the birth."

"Hm, I suppose I could tweak things a bit," Morpheus mused aloud. "How far along is she?"

"I'm not sure, to be honest. Technically, she should only be about three weeks, but the slight swell of her belly and the way she moves make me think three months, maybe four." Lucifer noticed Morpheus' raised, inquisitive brow and clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Don't look at me like that. We are talking about a child conceived in the Vale, fathered by an Archangel. There was nothing normal about this pregnancy to begin with."

"And you still want me to mess with time? What if it goes too far, and she delivers right here? I am the Lord of Dreams, not the Lord of Babies! I have nothing here for that sort of thing!"

"Just do your part and accommodate Joan. Leave the rest to me."

With that, the Devil ended the discussion. He turned away and left the throne room. Morpheus followed, to reassure himself that Lucifer would truly depart from his domain. Halfway down the entrance steps, though, the Devil halted.

"The Horsemen?" he inquired, throwing a glance over his shoulder.

The Lord of Dreams sighed. "Nearly gone from this Realm. You do realise what you will unleash, don't you?"

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