Chapter 7.1

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Almost two weeks had gone by with no incident. Michael should have guessed it was too good to be true. He never should have let his guard down. Yesterday's events were painful proof of that foolish mistake. 
Feeling something was amiss, Michael had gone to Gabriël's cottage, finding the place in utter chaos. Half the furniture lay scattered and broken, and Joan and Raphael were desperately trying to calm Gabriël down. The demon living inside him had awoken from its slumber again. It'd tried to attack Michael the moment he stepped through the threshold, but Joan threw herself in between and took the blow. Gabriël didn't seem to recognise Joan anymore, and it had taken Michael and Raphael both to pull him away from her. As Michael held him down, Raphael had attempted to sedate Gabriël, but he trashed about so wildly that they were left with no other option than to knock him out with the broken table leg.
After taking care of Joan, they brought the unconscious Archangel to the catacombs. Michael placed sentries at the entrance and forbade anyone to enter but himself or Raphael. None would dare, anyway. Not on their own.

The catacombs lay below the steps of a mausoleum that stood in Michael's backyard. It gave access to a network of tunnels that spread under the entire Vale. Four holding cells had been constructed at the entrance chamber of the main tunnel, but were never in use - almost never.
Michael paused at the closed doors with a heavy heart, dreading what he might find below. What he witnessed yesterday had rattled him. He hoped Gabriël had come to his senses by now. If not... he knew what had to be done.
He finally opened the doors, and the midday sun entered the darkened chamber below. He did not need light as he descended the steps; his eyes quickly grew accustomed to the dark. Slowly, he walked to the last cell on the left. The flickering light of the single torch made shadows dance on the wall. 
Gabriël sat on the ground, one arm leaning on his knee, his head leaned back against the stone wall. His hair was messy, his shirt torn, and his skin was covered with dirt. Iron manacles were around his wrists and ankles.

He looks terrible, Michael thought.

Gabriël did not look up as he entered the cell. Michael considered sitting beside him, but deemed it better to remain at a safe distance. 

"Am I truly such a danger that I am to be treated like this? Do you fear me so much?"

He was taken aback at Gabriël's weak, yet resentful, voice. 

"There will come a time when I will ask for your forgiveness, Gabriël, but not now. You... This thing forced my hand. I had to act."

Gabriël gave no response. He did not move or face Michael, but balled his fingers into a fist. Michael believed to detect a slight tremor, but he couldn't be certain.

"What do you remember?" he asked.

"Pain," answered Gabriël, despondent. "Suffering. The feeling that everything and everyone would be destroyed. Then... nothing. Just darkness. I woke up alone and chained to the wall."

"The demon inside you took control once again. It seemed like you tried to fight it at first, but to no avail. Joan stepped between us when you attacked me and suffered some minor injuries, but -"

"What?" Gabriël's head jerked up, and he scrambled to his feet. "Is she -?"

"Safe," assured Michael. "And healing. Raphael was present and treated her. We had to pry you off her; you were nearly choking her. We had no choice but to knock you out."

"Well, that explains the headache, I suppose."

"Apologies. You, or better, your demon, forced me to do so. Raphael and I agreed it would be better to keep you -"

"Imprisoned?" Bitterness dripped off Gabriël's words. 

"In a safe place. I suggested the Villa, but that thing seems very keen to have it in for me."

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