saoirses unseen bits

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saoirse and spiders. a never ending story.

I stepped out of the shower, wrapping a towel around myself as I slipped into my bikini for the day. Barely anybody else was awake yet, there was literally only me in the girls half of the dressing room.

I popped my towel on the sink and headed back to get my face creams, hearing somebody enter the boys half of the dressing rooms.

But when I moved my towel to wash my face, I genuinely jumped a mile out of my skin.

A freaking tarantula was staring directly into my soul.

It was literally the size of a football.

'OHHH FUCK!!!' I scream, not even caring as I sprint out of the room, abandoning my phone, my water and my washbag.

That thing could have it all, I wasn't gonna argue with it.

I'm still squealing as I spy Finn, who stares at me with wide eyes as he cowers in the corner of the room.

'What the fuck is wrong with you!?' He sighs as I run over to jump onto the bench beside him.

'There's a fucking demon.' I point towards the bathroom out of breath.

'What are you on about?' He walks straight towards it and my eyes widen, following a step or two behind and peeking over his shoulder.

'There's nothing in h- OH MY FUCKING GOD!' He pushes me away as he spies it and drops his water bottle as well, both of us running away to the bedrooms.

'SOMEONE PLEASE GO TO THE BATHROOM I WILL LITERALLY WALK OUT OF THIS VILLA.' Finn shouts, everyone was awake, but also confused.

'There's a spider. Not even a spider a freaking mutant tarantula in there and I genuinely am not kidding when I say it's the size of my face.' I widen my eyes, everyone now on high alert.

3 days later....

'Sursh, can you come help me and Finn with breakfast?' Mike calls over the garden and I nod happily, if I did breakfast I could manipulate people into getting me anything I wanted throughout the day.

'Shit look, there spider found it's way back.' His hands are closed as he turns around and before I can even register what is going on he throws it towards Finn and I.

'AHH OH MY GOD MIKE!!!' We both scream as I try to run away, dragging Finn as he tries to jump onto the countertop.

The whole villa bursts errupts into laughter as he slips and falls back to the floor with a big 'oof' and I realise that Mike was only kidding, his hands were empty the whole time.

'You, absolute, ASSHOLE!!' I throw my towel at him as I bend down to catch my breath.

'Oh lawd.' Mike wheezes, pulling Finn off the ground as the villa all crowd around us with tears in their eyes as we make sure Finn hasn't broken his back or a hip or something.

the yeet games

in their complete and utter boredom one day during their second week in the villa, Paige and Saoirse had come up with the idea of the yeet games.

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