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It must've been about lunch time, we were all sitting around after having played some fun birthday games earlier like hide and seek, had a diving competition in the pool, had a boys vs girls competition that Luke had set up where we had to retrieve different items from around the villa and be the first one back.

When Siannise got the text.

She immediately burst into tears and I thought the worst, clinging onto her arm as I went to comfort her, before I saw the picture.

And my jaw dropped too.

So it was that day.

Just as Siannise and Luke go to run and find their families, two Siannise identical look alikes and Luke's parents appear on the deck.

'Oh my god!!!' We all dash over, greeting our best friends families before they head off to catch up.

Then, after we all finished crying at Siannise and Luke T's families, Luke T's mum especially, we wait about half an hour.

'It's putting me on edge, like we don't know who's next.' Jess says and we nod as I cuddle Siannise, she was still really emotional after seeing her sisters bless her.

Then I hear a call.

'Oi oi Sursh.'

My head snaps up, and there stands my mum. And my older brother.

'AHHHH!!' I scream loudly, sprinting over as I see Luke doing the same. 'Oh my god!' I jump into my mum and brothers arms, breaking down as I cry into their shoulders.

'I've missed you so much.' I sob, pulling away as my mum wipes my tears up, her crying as well.

Even Alex looked a bit teary.

'We've missed you more chicky, definitely. Happy birthday my gorgeous girl.' Mum laughed slightly, then wiping her own eyes as I shake. 'I can't believe you're really here.' I turn to Alex, squeezing him tight as he picks me up again.

'Missed you too much, didn't I. Happy Birthday Smush.' He laughs lightly and I hear a little sniffle, chuckling at the nickname he and Cristian gave me when they were young and couldn't say my name properly.

'And Perrie sent me to have a go at you for stealing all her clothes.'

I laugh loudly as I pull away, hands covering my mouth.

'Hahaha. Oh my god! Tell her I'm sorry.' I cringe, Alex and Mum grinning.

Then everyone slowly makes there way over.

Paige and Siannise heading straight for my mum as the boys all crowd around my brother.


'Oh! You girls.' My mum hugs my two best friends. 'I'm so thankful she's had you both in here. You've been so amazing to her. Thankyou so much for looking after her.' Mum cries as Paige, Siannise and I all tear up as well.

'Mum. You're embarrassing me.'

I whine, wiping my eyes as I they all laugh. 'This is my mum Wendy.' I tell the girls, then turning.

'Then this is my brother Alex.' He pulls me into a hug, then does handshakes with all 4 of the other boys, Luke still having a moment with his mum and dad by the kitchen.

'Ah man. It's coming home this year innit.' Mike seems all hyped up as I shake my head, grinning.

They all laugh as Alex chuckles. 'Euros 2020. We believe in you my man.' Ched says and I see Alex smiling happily as well.

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