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Stepping through the doors into the villa, I fanned myself down slightly. I'd been in South Africa for 4 days on lockdown already but still hadn't gotten used to the heat.

I was from England for god sake. I wasn't made for this.

I didn't know if anybody else was here yet, but as my heels clicked through the bedroom I saw the deck leading to the pool, not used to the layout as it was completely different to the villa I was used to watching on TV.

'Hey girls!!' I spot 3 other girls, all in bikinis like me, standing together by the day beds. 'Ahhh!' They all run over, greeting me warmly. 'Hiya babe, I'm Leanne.' The first girl smiles at me. 'Hiya, I'm Saiorse.' I grin, hugging her and kissing her lightly on the cheek. 'Omg I love that name! I'm Paige.' Then next girl hugs me. 'Hiya chick!' I greet her. 'Nice to meet you, I'm Siannese.' I hug the final girl, fanning myself again.

'Oh my god it's boiling!' I huff, airing my armpits clumsily. 'Oh god, let us get you some champagne!' Siannese offers giddily, running to grab me a glass. 'Ahh, thankyou!' I take it off her, cheer sing them all. 'To finally not being single!' I laugh, taking a big sip as they all laugh.

'So, we were just asking each other what we're all looking for! Wait, how long have you been single first?' Paige asks me as we sit down on one of the beds nearby. 'Umm, so I've been single like 3 months, and I've only ever had like two serious relationships.' I tell them all as I sip my champagne. 'Ahh right. Did you have a bad experience?' Siannese asks and I laugh.

'Could you tell, already?' I giggle as they all laugh. 'Oh god what happened?' Leanne asks and I wiggle my eyebrows. 'Well, typical kind of thing really, he cheated on me with my flat mate at uni.' I laugh and they all gasp. 'No fucking way!' 'Your flatmate!' 'Yep.'

'How long were youse together?' Paige asks. 'Just over a year and a half.' They all shake their heads. 'And how long do you think?' 'Oh, I'd say like my entire first year. Like as soon as I moved in with this girl. Then I found out in August last year.' I laugh ironically.

'Wait wait wait wait, first year? How old are you?' Leanne asks and I laugh again. Uh oh. 'Haha, I'm 19.' Their jaws drop. '19!!!!' 'YOURE 19!!???' 'WHAT THE FUCK MAN!?' I laugh. 'You act so much older than that!!' Siannese gasps, and I laugh. 'Hahah thankyou, I think.' Just as another girl walks out the doors.

'Oh my god I thought that was Rochelle Humes for a second!' I double take, Siannese laughing at me. 'She's gorgeous!!' We all rush over. 'Hiya, I'm Sophie!' She hugged me quickly, kissing both my cheeks. 'Ahhh hiya I'm Saoirse.'

We all introduce ourselves, waiting to see if anyone else was going to arrive as we chatted about our different types and wanting a man rather than someone who shaved more than we do.

Then all of a sudden, in walks Laura Whitmore. 'Hiya girls! How you's all doing?' We all grin, replying quickly.God it was real now. 'Shall we have a little chat?' She smiles at us and we follow her down to the 3rd level, and to the fire pit.

'So girls, how are you feeling?' 'Good.' 'Hot.' I fan myself again, everyone laughing. I really hope my face isn't bright red already.

'Now, we've gotta talk boys. Well, first of all I can't believe any of you are single!' Awe. She asks all of us different questions, then turns to me. 'Saoirse, are you here to find love? Or for a good time?' I reply quite quickly. 'Love. Like I'm young but I'm quite mature, so.' I laugh slightly. 'So you could be looking, for the one!?' I grin at her. 'I mean, I feel like if you're not dating to find the one like what's the point? I think you should try and date to find that.' 'Are you gonna tell the boys that as soon as you get to know them?' 'Absolutely not. No.' Everyone laughs at me and I chuckle.

not just a pretty face - love island 2020Where stories live. Discover now