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Jamie goes first and picks Natalia.

So it was going to come down to me and Demi.

Paige and Siannise squeeze my hands, they knew it too.

Then it's Callum, who chooses Molly.

And it's not the nicest to hear him talk about her the way he used to talk about me.

Then it's Mike, who picks Priscilla. Then Finn picks Paige, and she cries as she hugs me. 'I love you.' I bite my lip, Finns speech nearly bringing me to tears as well.

I was really emotional as it was probably my last night anyway, he wasn't helping at all.

'I love you more, Sursh.' She sobs and I let her go to Finn.

Then Ched picks Jess, and Luke T nearly has me in tears again as he picks Siannise.

'Good luck.' She squeezes me tight, just like Paige. 'Thankyou. I love you Sian.' She lets go and it's just me and Demi.

Luke M stands up with a sigh. 'I love you girl.' I hug Demi, and she grabs my hands. 'Love you too.' I smile widely at her, keeping hold of them as we turn back to the fire pit.

'I want to couple up with this girl, because when we do talk it's just effortless and she never fails to make me laugh. I feel like, she hasn't had the best luck in the villa.'

So far, it could still be either of us in all honesty.

'But I do feel that, that is gonna change. This has been a difficult decision to make, and I don't want to send anyone home. But I had to go with my heart, and what I feel for this girl I just can't ignore.'

If this did turn out to be about me it was really bloomin cute.

'So, the girl I would like to couple up with is.....'

'Saoirse.' I close my eyes, grinning. But it was bittersweet.

Demi was going home.

I pulled her into a huge hug, giving her a tight squeeze.

'I'm so sorry.'

'Don't be silly. Go get your man.' She pulls away and I smile sadly. 'I love you.' I kiss her cheek.

'Love you more.' She grins back and I head over to Luke, pulling him into a bear hug as everyone else says their goodbyes to Demi.

'Thankyou.' I breathe, he'd picked me.

Someone who had a really hard decision, I'd practically told him to pick Demi,

And he'd still chosen me.

'It was always gonna be you.'

He kissed my head and I laughed breathily. 'Thanks for telling me that.' He laughs with me and I grin.

'Oh my god, I was having a heart attack.' I was pulled into a tight hug with Paige and Siannise.

'I don't know why you were so convinced you were going home!' Paige shook her head. 'That was adorable.'

'Because I practically told him to pick her!' They both stare at me.

'You did fuckin what!?' Paige gasps.

'I thought it was only fair that he was given the chance to even get to know her a little bit. So I told him to go for it and I'd wait for him on the outside.' They both coo.

'But he's just said he was always planning on picking me anyway.' They squeal as well. 'Sursh. I'm honestly just so glad you're still here!' They both squeeze me, heading back over to their men as we go down to wave Demi out of the villa.

'Come here, finally.' Luke pulls me into another side hug with a grin. 'Finally.' I laugh, tucking myself into his grip.

'That speech was adorable by the way.' I pout and he laughs. 'I was shitting it.' I smile. 'You did well, very well.' I giggle, heading down the steps with a kiss on the cheek as he goes to chat to Luke T.

'I'll miss you all so much. Go and absolutely smash it.' Demi hugs me one last time as Mike brings her case down the stairs.

'Thankyou so much, it's been so amazing to meet you. Can't wait to see you every week back home!' She grins. 'Oh absolutely. Portsmouth massive!' We shout the last part together, everyone laughing.

She gives Luke M one last hug, then she's off. 

'Wow. I bet that was the last one k'know. I think it's just dumpings from here out.' Mike says and I turn to Luke M.

'Whoops, looks like you're stuck with me then.' I cringe and everyone laughs as we head back up to the garden.

And I had to admit, I was so insanely happy. It made me feel a bit sick.

'I'm so glad you're still here.' Finn pulled me into a huge hug and I laughed. 'Me too!' We headed to get some snacks, Luke T hugging me as well.

'See. I told you. Believe in that sauce.' I chuckle loudly, Luke M behind us. 'Did you know he was gonna pick me?' I ask him quietly.

'He didn't tell me, but I knew. Sursh, the boys full on falling for you. From the second he saw you. There was no way he was picking anyone else.' I bite my lip to stop my grin from spreading too much.

'Mmm, kay.' I blush, both of us cackling loudly.

Just as I feel arms wrap around my shoulders from behind me. 

'Shall we go sit on the day beds?' Luke asks and I nod. 'Okay.'

'Were you really nervous?' He asks me, and I stare at him as I sit down.


He laughs at me.

'I practically told you to pick her!' I chuckle, shaking my head. 'I know. And that made me want to pick you even more.' I blush as he grins at me.

'You couldn't have just slid that in there at the end of the conversation so I didn't stand their and cry saying my goodbyes to Paige, Siannise, Finn, Luke T.' I list and he bursts out laughing.

'No, for me. I did have a conversation or two with Demi, but it would literally have taken someone like flippin Kendall Jenner to come in and take my mind off you for more than 30 seconds.' I shake my head blushing.

'I feel like a fool.'

I say jokily, both of us laughing. Like it seemed we always were.

'But seriously, I knew exactly what I was gonna do, you just being you, that conversation earlier this evening solidified it all.' I frown a little as he smirked.

'You put all your trust in me, to have me choose you, without even knowing it. And I think I did exactly what I said I'd do.

You did it, I made you trust me, and you did.'

My jaw, hit the floor.

'Oh my god. You absolute.'

I was speechless. Actually speechless.

'I-' I was genuinely lost for words.

'Genuinely think this is the first time I've ever not been able to form a sentence.' I observe, laughing slightly with a blush.

'What can I say.' He shrugs, jokingly being cocky. 'You've said everything.' I shake my head with a grin, leaning in to kiss him this time.

He deserved it.

He was seriously something special, and I was so excited to spend more time with him.

The butterflies would permanently be moving into my stomach, from now until further notice.

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