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I arrive and it looks like wine tasting, and I spot a guy, a fit guy I must say, sat alone.

'Hi.' I smile, popping my bag down as he stands up to hug me.

'Nice to meet you, I'm Saoirse.' 'I'm Jamie.' I hear an accent.

'Ah where's that accent?' I ask him, hoping it wasn't what I thought it was.


Shit. It was. Paige was gonna lose her mind.

'Oh my god, another one!' He laughs. 'At least you'll be able to understand me now, you've been with Paige so long.' He laughs and I chuckle.

'Yeah, she tried teaching me all the slang one day but I just couldn't stop laughing.' I cringe, scratching my neck.

'Really!? What did it?' He laughs breathily.

'Whoever came up with bawbag needs help, honestly.' He bursts out laughing.

'I swear, genuinely didn't stop laughing for a whole day. But I have found myself saying things like "canny" and "blether" a lot though now I've been around her for about 5 weeks.' I chuckle and he nods smiling.

'Alright, first test. What kind of wine girl are you?' He asks and I take a sharp breath. 'Ooh, love a good rosê.' He sighs.

'Oh. Yes. Thank god. Was gonna be so disappointed.' I laugh and he cracks open a bottle. 'Do you? Actually I'm not even gonna ask what glass you what because I'm guessing it'll be the big after Casa.' I laugh loudly.

'You are correct.' He pours my drink with a smile, I wasn't sure yet, he seemed a tiny bit cocky.

'So, how come you chose me for a date?' I ask him, sipping my wine.

'Just because, you can chat. You can talk.' I laugh once. 'Feel like that's all I do.' I cringe and he laughs. 'No no, you're good. I need someone that's on my level, and you really stood out. And obviously you're gorgeous.' I smile.

'Awe thankyou. Have to admit, I was a little worried you'd picked me just because I'm single.' I laugh a bit shyly.

'No not at all, it just so happens to be that you're single. Perfect timing.' He jumps suddenly, swatting away a fly. 'Ooh ya fucker.' I laugh, covering my mouth.

It was like being on a date with a male version of Paige.

But I don't think I could see it going anywhere at all if I'm honest.

- - : BACK AT THE VILLA : - -

Luke M was stressing, sat with Luke T, Finn and Mike.

'Obviously like, it's strange because I feel like, I'd just kind of got my foot through the gap in the door, was about to enter, and now.'

'Flippin Jamie comes in.' Luke T sighs. 'God sake.' Mike laughs, shaking his head.

'I'm not gonna lie, I really really like her.' Luke M groans. 'But what if, he's her type too.'

'I think, she seems really happy with you. But maybe, maybe you step it up tonight. How would you feel about giving her a little kiss maybe?' Finn asks him and his eyes widen.

'I don't know, she said she needed to go slow, she's got proper trust issues. Rightfully so, because of the whole Casa situation. But, is it too soon?' He asks his boys.

'I feel like in here, you just gotta go with your gut.' Mike says. 'If you maybe pull her tonight, talk to her, see where things go. Then if it feels right, a little kiss might not hurt.'

'I feel like. I feel like she's not the type of person to go stray from a situation like this anyway.' Everyone nods at Finn.

'She looked bangin' there though.' Luke M sighed, the boys laughing. 'She looks literally unreal in everything she wears. But fucking hell, she looked good today.'

Luke M sighs, other Luke nodding.

'Yeah. Yeah, I was like. Ooooh.' He cringed.

'Put something else on. Find something that doesn't look good.' They all laugh at Mike.

'You should've said, "ahh do you want some help, here's a bin bag."' Luke T says and the boys all laugh very loudly.

'She'd still probably find a way to make it look good though.' Luke M shook his head, sighing again.

Then Demi comes back.

'Ahhh!' They all run over.

'He's Scottish!' Paige screams. Finn and Luke T staying with Luke M.

'Too far.'

He mumbles to Luke M, Siannise laughing. 'What? Scotland to Portsmouth. Opposite ends bro.' They all laugh.

'How old is he?'


Luke M breathes a sigh of relief as all the boys nod.

'Nah, too old. Nope. She wouldn't go with Connagh G because he was 27.'

They wave their hands in front of their neck. 'Bun it, you're good.' They all laugh.

- - / WINE TASTING \ - -

'So, how do you feel about the whole Callum and Molly thing.' I let the air out of my cheeks.

'You got 5 hours?' I pretend to check my watch. 'Nah, I think I'm done with it now, like they can crack on. I don't care.' I shook my head with a sigh.

'I do wanna have a word wit him because he was not respectful of you at all.' My eyes widen. 'Oh, really.'

'Yeah, I think Nas. With him and Demi, he was really respectful to her, spoke to her before he went on with Eva. You didn't get none of that.' I tilt my head.

'I didn't even think about that.' I frown. He was right though.

'I think, you deserved more. He was clearly not being honest about his feelings.' I nodded my head. I agreed with that too.

The producers must've started twitching as Jamie started talking about Callum, so they bought the date to an end. Which I was kind of happy about.

I much preferred Luke M.

We head back, and I show Jamie the bedroom and dressing rooms briefly, then head upstairs.

'Hi guys!! This is Jamie!' I call and they all hurry over to greet the new lad, Natalia's eyes brightening up.

Perfect, two birds with one stone.

I spy Luke hovering by and head over, smiling. 'Hiya! How was it?' He asks and I can sense a little jealousy. 'Not bad, it was wine tasting.' I hug him quick. 'Ahhh right.' The girls come and grab me.

'I'll come find you in a sec.' He nods and I smile.

'So, what you thinking.' I ask Demi and she smiles. 'I actually might be feeling it y'know.' She grins and I squeal.

'How about you?' Paige asks me and I pull a face. 'I don't think so, I think there's a bit of a big age gap and he's the opposite side of the country. And if I'm honest, I was just thinking about flippin Bieber over there the whole time.' I rub my temples.

'Awee, Sursh.' Siannise grins happily.

'I just don't want a repeat of the situation I had before, like I'm scared to trust him.' I shake my head, biting my lip.

'I know, babe, I know. You need to decide if you think it's worth going for, we can't sway you. It needs to be you going with your heart.' Paige says and I nod.

'I really do want to, I'm just scared.' I laugh quietly. 'You can't, he's not given you a reason not to trust him, I know we can't choose for you, but I think you should go for it. He literally seems so infatuated with you.' Jess says and I nod. 'Yeah. We'll see how it goes I guess.' I smile, turning to Demi.

'Grafting shoes on tonight then girl.' I hi five her, everyone laughing as we all head in to get ready for the night.

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