ch 3 | old heartbreaks/new rebounds

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~we can put it back together
cause honey all the good things left~

Bethany's pov

I woke up to my alarm and ran to the bathroom to take a shower while recalling what happened last night.

I still cannot believe myself. I tried to use Scott as a rebound to take my mind off of Brad. Though I was repaid for my stupidity.

I ripped off the dress I wore yesterday that was somehow still clinging onto my body. I got ready and walked downstairs thinking whether to go to school today or not.

"Good morning sweetling",dad smiled at me while mom served bacons on his plate.

"Good morning dad, mom", I greeted them and sat down on my chair. I felt mom's querying eyes on me while I open the jar full of nuts.

"Where's your bag honey, are you thinking about skipping class today?"

"I don't know mom, I don't feel good. My head hurts."

Less than my heart of course.

Dad put his newspaper away and specks down to ask,"When did you get back home last night?"

"Just before 12 dad. But it is nothing about that I promise. I just don't feel like going to school."

"You can tell us if anything's bothering you honey", mom shoved her hand through my hair and sat down beside me.


"Final's near. Plus you love school and love making memories. Go out, enjoy what's stopping you? Don't let your SATs drop that's all I ask", dad said and went back on reading paper.

Seeing them smiling in front of me gave me a hard time not telling them how heavy my heart was.

I went out and rang the bell and waited until Brad answered the front door.

"Hey, I was just getting out for school, let's go together or are you back to avoiding me again?"

"Stupid", I snapped his head with the papers in my hand."I wouldn't come here if I was avoiding you."

He grabbed his bag and keys and dragged me to the porch.

"Oi I'm not coming to school today. I just came here to give Lilian these violin sheets she wanted."

"Lili has already gone to school."

I stayed quite when I had nothing else to say.

"Beth, is it because of what happened?"

Plus I don't want to go because I don't want to see you roaming around with your new gurlfrend and kissing her every seconds.

The silent was eating me alive and my eyelids betrayed me too.

"Come on, don't let him know it effected you this badly."

"Ok, I'll get my stuffs. Wait here."

Because I don't want to ruin our friendship by letting you know why I don't want to go.

We rode to school together, like before, when Mikeyla was not in the frame.

"Hi babe", speaking of her.

She ran towards us and pecked Brad just as he got down from driving seat.

I'm not jealous of her at all. I just don't see why a popular girl like her is dating Bradley Simpson, the class savage who is not always on the spotlight. Almost never.

"Hi Bethany."

And the fact that she's extra nice towards me bothers me so damn much.

"Please Mikeyla, call me Beth."

"Then it's Ela for you."

Bradley sighed and giggled at the same time, maybe seeing us get along this easy surprised him too since we are clearly two opposite poles.

We were heading towards our classes when I heard Mikeyla asking Brad about his red knuckles.

I know he would never answer this. Would he?

"Tell me what happened. You were fine last night! Is it your dad? Did the meeting go bad?"

He met his dad and did not bother to let me know? Wow that's...

He said something but his voice faded once he was inside his classroom.

I entered my history, wondering about what he might have told her.

He never talks to me about his dad. Then why with Mikeyla.

Bradley's pov

"...did the meeting go bad?"

It kind of did.

"No it was fine."

I always try to avoid the topic. Just because she overheard a conversation I had to tell her about my dad.

My mom asked me to let him see me. All my life I thought he hated us now suddenly he comes back to see how much I've grown. Lili doesn't have any of his memory and I'm grateful for it. Because sometimes it hurts to hate your own father. As for me I remember that one day clearly where he went for work and never came back. I was always uncomfortable when it comes to talking about him with my mom. So I avoided it as much as I could.

I never even talked to Beth about him. She never really wanted to know. Now that I met him after all these years I am dying to tell her but I don't think she cares anymore.

"I'm sure it was", she smiled and went to take her seat.

I smiled back and thanked lord for making her mine. I mean, how many are there to be this lucky to date their high school simps.

I was focussed on my notebook when I heard her soft voice. I looked up to see Mikeyla excusing herself for washroom.

I don't feel like doing rest of the class. It was totally boring me. I almost zoned out at a point.




"but babe. I always have my lunch with her. See she's sitting by her own."

"okay fine."

Ela wants to sit with her friends. But Beth was alone. Not even Lysa was there. So I insisted her to go to Beth's table. Part of dating a girl completely out of your zone is that you sometimes don't know whose friends to hangout with.

A harsh feminine voice echoed in the cafeteria,"for all anyone cares is you were not there for her or with her since last week. What changed?"

I turned back to see Lysa and Joe carrying their lunch, walking towards Beth.

I stayed quiet because I had no explanation for it. No matter how hard Beth tried to avoid me I should have tried harder to talk to her. But I was too busy with my girlfriend, at least that's what the whole school says.

"Come on babe we'll grab another table", for sure my girlfriend doesn't like Lysa.

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