ch 4 | hold onto me

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~i found love where it wasn't suppose to be,
right in front of me,
talk some sense to me~

Bradley's pov

I reached home after a long day of football practice.

I got down from my car and walked to the front door. To my surprise the door was wide open which was extremely doubtful because mom should be at hospital right now, nursing patients and Lili at her violin lesson.

I rushed to the living room past the doors and found mom and Lili on the sofa.

"But I want to know him mom. He's my blood."

That man tried to contact with Lily??

"Bradley you're home!",mom turned her teary eyes to me from Lili.

"How did he find her?"

I asked mom right away but she kept her mouth sealed.

"I followed you to Lili's violin class."

A dark tone interrupted our conversation. I turned around to find him, walking out of the foyer.

"What are you doing in my house? Mom what is he doing here?"

Mom started crying as soon as I freaked out.

My limbs got stiffened when I saw him. He isn't supposed to be in our life or in our house. Lili isn't suppose to see him or have any kind of emotional realtionship with him.

"I already told you to stay away from my family", I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"Brad stop it", suddenly Lili came from my back to snap and hold my collar to push me away. "I want to talk to him. I want him to be a part of my life. At least I deserve an explanation."

Did she just yelled at me and took his side?

"He has no explanation Lili you don't understand..."

"But I want to. You met him yesterday and had a whole conversation with him so why not me? I have no memory of him Brad. But you do. At least let me talk to him for the sake of the father he was to you!"

"That's the thing Lili!", I regretted just as I screamed at her. I don't want to scare her away but she's pushing me towards my limits. "The memory my head holds of him aren't too good. You wouldn't want to know them. I agree he was a great dad. He loved me when I was little. He used to play with me at the end of the day. He used to do all the thing that a perfect dad had to do."

Everyone went quiet. I turned back my face to him and continued, "but great isn't what I needed. We just wanted you to be there. But you weren't. You weren't there on Lili's first day at school or when her first tooth fell out that she kept to show you until today. You weren't there when she had guy problems neither at her first stage play.

"There were times when I was tired of sheltering her. When I thought maybe if dad was here it'd have been a lot easier. She could have had double protection and love. But you weren't. So stop trying to be a part of her life just now."

I finished my speech and stormed out of the house so that no one could see the tears building inside my eyes.

I promised myself that I wouldn't let the feelings and emotions get me. But it did.

Bethany's pov

I need to avoid him. Not because his psychopath girlfriend who pretends to be nice to me around him threatened me today at the girls washroom, but because I realized I grew strong feelings for him.

I was trying hard to avoid those emotions but Mikeyla made me realized today that I can't ignore them, no matter how hard I try.

At the same time I'm sitting on my windowsill to steal a glimpse of him. He should be returning home from his football practise by now.

I kept looking but nothing.

I waited.


All of a sudden I saw him rushing out of his house and kept running. I ran downstairs and then down to the street to run after him. Didn't even run complete 8 steps when I looked behind to see Lili running out of the house too but in the opposite direction.

I stopped and thought of running after her.

But Bradley needs me too.

I decided to continue on my way.

No matter what, the heart always chooses him over everything and everyone.

"Brad stop! Bradley!!"

I kept calling out his name but he was probably out of earshot. Or at least he pretended well.

He didn't look around even for once until he almost ran half a kilometer and I ran after him. He stopped at an abandoned constructed place. Our place.

It was more like a castle that was half way to knocked down but abandoned laterly. People believed that dark spirits roam around here. That caused Brad and me to get attracted to this place. We used to come here as middle schoolers regularly but I can't remember the accurate reason why we stopped.

"Brad what happened?", I groaned in the shortage of air and held my stomach to exhale rapidly.

"Why did you follow me. You aren't suppos..."

"Tell me what happned to Lili. Why are you runnung away? Why did she?"

"Please, don't ask me. I don't... I can't."

"You can't what Bradley?", I reached for him. As soon as I touched his arm he jumped away and started crying.

"I can't stand him Beth. I can't. He is masked. He loved me but he hit my mom. I remember. I know I was too young but I remember everything. He is a bad guy. This is why I didn't want Lili to know him. But he came. He came to hurt mom and Lili again. I can't... I won't let that happen", he fell on his knees to the ground while crying and babbling his words.

"Shh sh, it will be alright. Everything is going to be fine", I also bend down and went on my knees to hold him.

I figured out he was talking about his dad somehow.

I held him with my tough grips around his shoulder. He kept weeping holding onto my arms. I wanted to cry seeing the strongest guy in this world breaking down this way. But I won't. I'll hold him, I won't run away or face my back to him again, ever.

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