ch 6 | you did what?

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~the sound of the wind is whispering in your head
can you feel it coming back?~

Bethany's pov


The bell rang causing me to wake up. Yes I hate maths so I sleep during the whole class.

"You cannot be yawning in math class!!", the class nerd was about to get exploded when I walked passed him.

"I won't sleep during math class if you don't sleep in geography."

And that got him to shut his mouth.

I mean where do they even come from? How can anyone not sleep in such a weather.

I saw Brad walking towards me in the hallway. "oh fuck me", I tried to run back but bumped into...

"I've been trying to though", Scott.

"I'll puke in your mouth I swear."

Play smart Bethany!

"Betty! betty?", don't turn around.

"Hey you asshole, my girlfriend doesn't wanna talk to you. Get lost." what the hell Scott!

"And when did that happen?", he spoke and I finally summoned some guts to meet his eyes.

"Why does it matter to you?", I knew playing along would get me into more trouble than I already am but I could find no other way.

"Oh", that's all he said. His face got soften. His eyes started sparkling as if he was begging me to talk or if I had break his heart.

I couldn't talk to him even if I wanted to. Mikeyla is here. She will tell Brad all about my feelings the first chance she gets.

"Please", he muttered one last time.

"I can't", I whispered and exhaled for a few long seconds. I turned to Scott glaring at him then turn left to the corridor. Scott being Scott, kept following me like a lost puppy.

People were already whispering while walking down the halls to their classrooms.

"So? You thought about giving me a second chance?", someone help me get rid of him.

"Yeah. So that you could do things to me all over again and this time I can record and show it to the entire school. How's the plan?"

"Then why did you not tell him?"

Why did I not tell him?

Cause I'm the one ruining our friendship. Bradley would've defended me from Scott if the situation was nothing like this.

"You know what? I'm gonna talk to him. And just so you know, I wouldn't go to talk to him right now if it wasn't for you."

By the time I left him while he processed my speech he looked like a fool at the end of the hallway.

"Could you excuse Bradley Simpson for minute Mr Davis? It's an emergency."

Class didn't even start when I reached there so what's the harm. He walked out looking right into my eyes. But I still couldn't look into his. His appearance made the air suck all the oxygen in here.

"I know you're still going to deny that you're being weird."

That's the first thing he said.

"I just wanted to know, what did you want to tell me, a while ago, at the hallway."

"I wanted to ask if you were okay."

"oh. Yea...yeah I'm completely alright."
"And that I talked it out with Lili."

"That's cool", I don't know what else to say.

"And that I broke up with Mikeyla this morning. I thought you should know, if we are still friends."

"Oh, I... Well, Scott was kidding a while ago", I babbled, not being sure what else to talk about afterwhat he just said.

"Yeah, about that I knew", he spoke and ran back to class before I could even react. Or maybe he waited for me to react but I didn't know how and what to say.

Whole of me wanted to dance in joy. I would if I weren't here. But why did h...


No that can't be happening.

Mikeyla didn't told him about me, did she? Even if she didn't, she must have told him after he broke up with her.

I'm in deep shit.

I need to talk to him and make things clear. But first I need to find Mikeyla.

Looks like I am not to attend literature today. I exused Mikeyla from her French class not caring about the lessons I'm missing.

"What do you want now? You already manipulated him to break up with me. You are the reason he did that. I warned you...", she shouts a lot. How was Bradley even with her in the past few days.

"Shh. Mikeyla! I didn't even confess to him. I thought you told him. Why would he suddenly brea..."

"But that isn't what he told me!", this bitch won't ever let me finish. "He told me he has feelings for someone else. I figured it out who that might be."

"Whoa, whoa, he has feelings for someone else?"

"Stop acting so naive. The whole school already think something's going on with you two. This morning when he broke up with me it seemed like you guys finally got your shit right."

He has feelings for someone else!

"Well. Um... Sorry for intruding. You can go back to your class."

I know she'll tell him if she gets to know that I and Brad are not together.

Guess I should play along and ask about his new love interest?




Bradley's pov

"Simpson! Bradl...", I heard Mr Davis snapping at me. God knows for how long was I zoned out.

"Yeah I'm...sorry sir. I'm listening."

"Oh did I disturbed your thoughts sir?", the whole class laughed at me.

Well yes sir you did.

"No sir, I was just thinking about the equation you're talking about."

"That's so considerate of you boy but for your kindest information I'm your Biology teacher. Or did you forget me too?"

"I am really not feeling well. Can I go out please?", I didn't wait for him to permit me instead I stormed out.

I told her that I broke up with Mikeyla. Why isn't she still telling me about her feelings. Or is it me flying over assumption that my best friend has feelings for me in a romantic way.

My guess has got to be right. She's acting weird and yesterday when she told me that she loved me I knew right then it wasn't the random everyday i love yous she sneaks into my ear for motivation.

It was mature and it didn't felt like her talking. Only if she knew how my heart was bouncing against my ribs. It hasn't stopped yet.

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