Awkward conversation

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I like being home I love Paris of course but I guess I was just running away from my heartbreak, but it's so amazing to be reunited with not just my parents or my siblings but with my uncles and my aunts to be back at school with the people that I've been through some of the worst things in my life with knowing that they have my back it's refreshing to feel safe not that I didn't feel safe in France it's just been back on my own ground is even better

I did a lot of thinking in Paris about myself and about the answers to my life that I need to know and no matter what I find out nothing will ever change the fact that Emily and Stefan are my parents and that is the way it will always be

"Ophelia "auntie E said

"Hey Auntie E what are you doing "I said to her she sat down next to me

" I was just going for a coffee, is everything okay you seemed in another world for a second "

Nice smiles at her "I was just thinking about some things, you know in Paris I had quite a lot of time to think about everything and I think one of the most important things is knowing where I come from my birth parents I guess you could call them"

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Nice smiles at her "I was just thinking about some things, you know in Paris I had quite a lot of time to think about everything and I think one of the most important things is knowing where I come from my birth parents I guess you could call them"

"Have you spoken to your parents about this maybe they can give you some answers I know it's a difficult conversation to have but you have every right to know about your birth parents and I don't think Emily or Stefan would ever make you feel bad for wanting to know them "

"I just wanna know who they are and how I am supernatural it's just hard when you don't know the answers to those questions " I said to her

"I completely understand but sometimes you have to have the courage to answer those questions your birth parents might be out there they might wanna know where you are "

I was quite shocked that Elena said that" well I know that my birth mother won't be out there she died giving birth to me but maybe I can get some answers from my birth father it's not gonna change how much I love my mum and dad it's just I'm a different in the world of supernatural and I just wanna know and thank the people who give me up because if they didn't I wouldn't have the incredible parents that I do I just want those answers "

I was quite shocked that Elena said that" well I know that my birth mother won't be out there she died giving birth to me but maybe I can get some answers from my birth father it's not gonna change how much I love my mum and dad it's just I'm a di...

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She put her hand on my shoulder "and you deserve those answers and dumber I am sure you'll get them very soon "she said smiling at me " Maybe it's time you ask your parents some difficult questions don't answer them because they love you "

"Maybe you're right maybe I do need to start asking some questions about who I am and where I come from thank you for listening to me "

She smiled at me "of course I'm always here to help no matter what "

"I love you aunt Elena " I hug her

"I love you too and don't worry the truth always comes out in the end "she said pulling away from the hug as she walked away

"I love you too and don't worry the truth always comes out in the end "she said pulling away from the hug as she walked away

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I don't know what it was but something self different I guess I'm just in a weird place at the moment

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