What you're left with

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I couldn't believe that my siblings it still had contact with Emily I just failed to mention it to me I felt betrayed because I spent months apologising to them because they said that they had lost their friendship and sisterhood with her because of me and the truth is they  still classed as family They knew about everything before I did and they never mentioned it

" Elijah Rebekah where the hell are you"I shouted as I walked into the house

Rebekah looked at me "what the hell is your problem if you wanna speak to me brother ask nicely don't show at me on demand I come to you"

"The anger that I'm feeling right now you're lucky you get to speak at all where is Elijah "

Just then Elijah walked in to the living room"What is the problem brother you seem to have made a lot of noise since you came home so what trials must be face today"

"Oh I don't know maybe we should start with you both still in contact with Emily after our break up do you know the times when you Both Had a go at me about missing her or the fact that you couldn't speak to her anymore because of me because she hated all of us well that was a lie wasn't it because I know that both of you were still in contact you knew that she give birth to triplets you knew she married Stefan and you both didn't think to mention it to me" I said to them but the looks on their faces both look shocked at the information that I have just said

"Oh I don't know maybe we should start with you both still in contact with Emily after our break up do you know the times when you Both Had a go at me about missing her or the fact that you couldn't speak to her anymore because of me because she h...

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Rebekah looked at me "yes we were still in contact with Emily what the hell is that got to do with you cheated on her you lost the right to demand anything from Emily when you climbed into bed with Hayley so what did you think That by us telling you we were still in contact with Emily that everything would be okay you could make it up to her that you could get back together that's a joke and you know it you were too busy playing baby daddy so what you were just going to torture Emily by have her live and watch you father another woman's child"

"It wouldn't have been like that because of made it work I love her I made a mistake didn't mean to have to be the end of us "I said to them

Elijah shook his head "it was the end you just didn't want to accept the fact that she walked away that she knew she was better than you she knew what she deserved in this world and a man cheating on her and father in another woman's child wasn't it Emily is a beautiful Smart powerful woman who wanted more in this world and being a stepmother to a child who was conceived from an affair is not something she needed or what I would want for her "

I looked at him "what does this have to do with you what you wanted what about what I wanted I need Emily the woman I love by my side this town was never enough for her she should've been with me in New Orleans ice queen we could've been the greatest power couple in the world we could have changed every think and now I will never know if that was possible because of both of you "

"Are you kidding you would never get a chance with Emily again because you are a cheating rat who chucked away the greatest thing that ever happened to you you and Emily would never be a power couple because she had respect she knew what she was worth and being cheated on by you was not one of them Emily knows her value and she was not going to sit and watch you and Hayley be parents to hope she's more self-respect dinner and you think that this town was not enough for Emily she made this town worth something she married the man who made her feel special and loved and respected they were given a gift that she so rightly deserved the chance to be a mother to 3 beautiful children none of that would've happened if she was still attached to you because you would've destroyed her anywhere that's sweet beautiful woman would've been dragged down to your level and I'm so glad that she skipped you because she deserves the world" Rebekah said losing her tempe

Elijah looked at my sister then turned to me " our sister is right you would've destroyed Emily In the end because that's what you do best you take good honest people and you brought them to shreds you put them in a position where they have to defend themselves over and over again you ruin peoples lives because you can and you don't even know you do it so yes Rebekah and I didn't tell you that we were still in contact with Emily because she deserved more than you that girl who saw the best in you was only let down in the end because you jumped into bed with somebody else without even thinking about the woman you claim to love and who you were supposed to marry "

I looked at them my anger I couldn't contain "you don't get an opinion me and Emily could've worked it out she was the woman I loved and I made a mistake but we could've got through it for God sake millions of people do it what was the difference between me and Emily "I said to them both

"The differences you showed your true colours the big bad hybrid who can do whatever he wants and who cares about the consequences you just thought that she'd accept it but then she realise she was worth 10 of you so she walked away knowing that she made the best decision of her life because now look at her the head of the Salvatore school married to a man who I know would die for her and the mother of three children who I can tell from first look are a true credit to her so in my opinion walking away from you got her the best life she could've ever had "kol said walking into the living room

"It's so nice to know that my siblings are on my side you lied to me the both of you about the woman I loved "I said to both of them

"Don't you get it brother she is not yours to love anymore you lost that right a long time ago it's time to get over it she moved on what did you think she was gonna sit around waiting for you please do make us all laugh and if it's any consolatio...

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"Don't you get it brother she is not yours to love anymore you lost that right a long time ago it's time to get over it she moved on what did you think she was gonna sit around waiting for you please do make us all laugh and if it's any consolation it's not like you were waiting for her considering you were too busy sleeping your way through New Orleans with aurora and lets not forget your little therapist Camille you don't get the right to be in to be angry with Rebecca or Elijah because you got what you deserved 1000 years of destroying people are pissing people off your karma came in full you lost the woman you loved because of your selfish need to be in control you didn't even think about the woman you claim to love when you pushed Hayley onto the table top where you dreaming it was Emily of course not because you didn't think about anybody you got what you deserved" kol said

"He's right you don't think about anyone but yourself you destroy people and then you think it's it's their fault that they can't be around you that you are the innocent victim but the truth is the reason Emily didn't wanna get back with you is because you discussed her every time she looks at you she sees you on top of Hayley and that is burned into her brain so tell me why would anybody want to go back to the man who did that to her you really think she'd want your hands on her in my opinion why she didn't wanna go back to you is because your damage goods"Rebekah said losing her cool let me

"You don't know what you're talking about Rebekah I think you are the one that's making assumptions " I start trying to keep my anger in

Elijah shook his head at me "Rebekah is the making assumptions brother I know that because everything Rebecca just said came from Emily because that's how she felt and that's what she told us when she called us you lost Emily the minute you put your hands on Hayley and now you must live with that the only person to blame for the situation you are in is yourself"

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