Chapter Five

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A/N: SIX. HUNDRED. AND. THIRTY. THREE. READS. OHMYGOD. THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR AMAZING READS AND VOTES! Each and every one of you is just another reason why I'm still here. :D
The picture that I add to each chapter is kind of like a promo for that Chapter. I finished writing this HOURS ago, but it took a little while to find the pics. I hope you like this Chapter! :D


I applied pressure to the appendage and the button disappeared into the wall. I heard an abrupt whirring, similar to that which you would hear from a computer starting up, except a million times louder. Side after side of the octagon around me grew brighter with eerie green light. I looked behind me in my sudden panic and saw Johnny's shocked face, which then -- along with the rest of the captivating landscape of the Ghost Zone -- disappeared, only to be replaced with nothing but darkness. Not a second later, a speck of bright ectoplasm green appeared where Johnny's face rested previously. The speck quickly grew larger and larger, and before I knew it, I was enveloped in toxic, blinding green light.

And then the pain arrived...


Seconds... Minutes... Hours... Years. Time slowed to a pace I was sure not even Clockwork could match.

All I knew was pain. Unthinkable, unbearable agony. A thousand - no, more... More like a million - white hot knives had lodged themselves into my flesh like it were wet toilet paper. They dug in and twisted in each and every wound, intensifying the spine-curving affliction.

I was screaming. More than I ever had in my entire afterlife. And it didn't stop. My throat began tearing at itself in pain, but that, as well as the pounding in my brain, was just a tiny pinprick compared to the rest of my body.

Every single one of my senses was obscured. I couldn't see: black and red spots enveloped everything, even more obscured by the blinding toxic green light all around me; it wasn't like I would be able to see anything beyond the portal anyway. It was too bright, and I just knew the shower of green electricity would remain in my memory forever. I couldn't hear anything, but right then and there, none of that mattered. The pain was too great for me to think about anything else, other than "Is this what oblivion feels like?"

If it was, then may the devil have mercy on me after all this was over.

The only thing was, it didn't end. The ghastly agony only intensified to the point where I could no longer feel my throat vibrating to signify my use of voice, and my knees gave way beneath me. I collapsed, knees first on the hard metal floor, but that felt like practically nothing compared to the original source of my suffering - what did I care if my knees bruised anyway? I'd most likely be torn apart and fried like a streak of bacon in a minute anyway.

I didn't care for thinking positively. Nothing like that; like those kinds of thoughts, ever occured to me.

And then, the pain became rather numbing, almost like I was used to it... Like it was second nature. My mouth was still open, but considering my throat was no longer working, I knew my screaming was no longer audible, and attempts at getting someone... Anyone... To hear me was fruitless. Every single particle in my body was being detached from its owner and rearranged into strange-feeling, yet strangely familiar places.

Everything was still in agony, but for some reason my body was accepting the pain like an old friend. My whole body spasmed and my chest thumped. My eyes widened for the last time. I collapsed; they lethargically came to a close.


(I'm only going to change POV once or twice in this story, and only for such occasions as this, where Danny is unable to tell the story. :D)

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