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To say I was pissed off the rest of the school day was an understatement. In fact, I was so pissed off I wanted to drink the blood of all those idiots that started gossiping about me and Steve. Rumors don't usually get to me. I've been in high school more than enough times to deal with it. It's just the fact that Billy had the nerve to assume something was going on between me and Steve. And according to some of the girls I've compelled, it was him who started the whole rumor.

Stefan would have told me to be the bigger person and leave things alone. Damon would have told me to kill Billy. Me ignoring the rumors does make me the bigger person. But at this point, I wanted to be a petty bitch and "accidentally" compelled one of the girls to tell people Billy has crabs.

"Total is gonna be $60.27," the nice elderly cashier at the flower shop said with a big smile on her face. After school, I dragged Steve to Everything Roses to get the roses for Nancy. She smiled at Steve and me. "Tell me, how long have you two been dating?"

Steve let out a nervous chuckle. "Oh, uh, we're not - we're not dating."

The older woman didn't seem to believe it. "I don't believe that. A nice young man like you."

"We're not dating," I stated as I tried not to laugh. "These are mostly an I'm sorry I screwed up please forgive me kind of flowers. A present for his actual girlfriend."

"That kind of flowers," the woman said. "If I had a dollar for every time some broken-hearted boy came in here...I would have been retired at 39. And with the number of roses he bought, he must have screwed up big time."

I gave Steve a satisfying grin. "You hear that? Big time."

The woman's husband came out from the back room. "You would have retired at 39?" he chuckled as he grabbed the water pot for the plants. "If you would have retired then I would have been CEO for every poor boy who came to me for relationship advice." He noticed the roses on the counter and looked at Steve. "Oooh, boy. How much did you mess up?"

"Big time," Steve, the elderly woman, and I responded.

I grinned at the couple. "And I'm the fairy godmother coming to his rescue."

"No, you're just a bitch," Steve joked. I slapped his arm. "Ow!"

"Be glad I don't mess with your hair, Harrington. Now shut up and pay for the flowers."

"Seriously, Salvatore, you don't mess with my hair."

"Be glad I don't cut it off and give you bangs."

"You do that and I'll shave your head."

"And how are you going to do that if I'm clearly faster than you."

"I'll spike your drink with ver - Nightquil."

"If you can get that stuff."

The elderly couple started to laugh, which stopped our bickering. "They remind me of us," the husband said.

The woman nodded. "The good ol' days." The man wrapped his arm around her while Steve and I looked at them. "Believe it or not, me and my husband used to hate each other. We couldn't be in the same room without arguing."

"She threw her lunch at me before in high school."

"Only because you wrote slut on my locker."

"That's terrible," I stated. "You married your bully?"

Her husband shrugged her shoulders. "We were in high school. Back then instead of confessing your love, you insult the other until someone locks you in a room together for seven minutes in heaven and have sex."

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