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It's been two weeks and so far no word from Stefan. I shouldn't be worried, but I'm just letting my head wander to the thought of Damon getting to him. Last time we met, his humanity was shut off and he killed a few girls in front of us. I know Stefan could take care of himself, so I'll still going to lay low here for a while.

Hawkins was something I never expected. The people were hear were friendly, mostly Nancy and Steve. Jonathan was still shy, but we'll talk every now and then. People were still going on and on about me being the hot new girl. I had to compel one of the guys to leave me alone and learn the definition of the word manners...right after I compelled him to run across the school naked. Hey, don't try to grab my ass and expect not to get punched. No one knew my secret, that's good. It should stay like that.

"How come I never been to your house?" Nancy asked as we studied for tomorrows test. Well, she's studying.

I wrote more notes in my notebook and lied. "Because you know how my Uncle Jamie doesn't like visitors."

"He won't even let your friends come over."

"Nope. In his head he thinks you'll corrupt me. If anything, Steve is more likely corrupt offense." I closed my notebook. "Speaking of, where's he taking you tonight?"

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. He said it's a surprise." She tapped on the notebook. "How many casualties happened during the Battle of Willow creek?"

"There were 346 casualties, unless he's counting local civilians. In that case, it would be 27," I answered instantly. "Confederate soldiers, they fired on the church, believing it to be housing weapons. They were wrong. It was a night of great loss."

I looked up to see Nancy looking through the textbook. That night I remember.

Nancy's mouth flew open as she read the passage. "How did you know that?"

I smiled at her. "I'm use to studying at my house in Mystic Falls. Stefan and I would always have a competition about who knows more." Another lie.

"Now, I'm glad we're partners." We both chuckled as her mom came inside the room. She was all dressed up as she put on her earrings.

"Nancy, I need you to watch Mike tonight," she said. She waved at me. "Bela, nice to see you again."

Nancy got up from her bed. "Mom, I can't. I told you I was going out with Steve."

I raised my hand. "I can watch him for you."

Nancy shook her head. "Bela, no -"

I waved her off. "No, it's ok. I have nothing to do later. You both are heading out and Mike isn't that bad."

"Because you don't live with him."

I smiled at Mrs. Wheeler. "I'll watch Mike for you."

"Aw, thank you, Bela," Mrs. Wheeler said as she hugged me. "Oh, and his friends are coming over for their game night."

"Mom, you can't ask her to do that," Nancy scolded.

"Nancy, it's fine," I said. "I love kids. They won't be a problem with me." I waved at Mrs. Wheeler. "Go have fun."


Nancy basically scolded me and her mom before her mom left. Nancy and I were in the kitchen. She wrote down all the numbers I needed and gave me some instruction on how to handle her little brother.

"Nancy, are you sure you're not the mom?" I joked. She slapped my arm. "Ow!"

"Bela, I'm serious. Mike's been through a lot. I just want to make sure if you have everything under control."

"Nancy, I can handle this. There isn't anything he can do that I haven't witnessed before"

"I wouldn't be sure about that," she mumbled lowly. I still heard it though. "I just want to -" Nancy spun around and accidentally knocked the cup over. I grabbed the cup before it could hit the floor. "Nice reflexes. Are you sure you're not going to take that spot on the cheerleading squad?"

I chuckled. "It was a lucky catch."

We heard the door open and shut. That's when I caught a good whiff of it. Blood. Nancy's eyes widen as she ran around me.

"Mike, what happened?" She asked.

Oh, no. I could smell the sweet scent of the blood. I promised Stefan I would try the bunny diet with him and that was seven years ago. I still don't understand how he could do it. The scent is making my mouth water. I could feel the veins appear from under my eyes. I shut them tight to make sure Nancy wouldn't see it.

"I fell. That's it," Mike said. "It's just a scratch."

I bit my lip as my hand held the cup tight. My eyes haven't returned to normal. Remember the diet, Bels. This bunny diet that I haven't broke in years for making it up to Stefan. Why did I chose this diet over him just beating the crap out of me.

"Bela," Nancy called out as she placed her hand on my shoulder. Deep breathes. Take deep breathes. "Are you ok?"

I mentally sighed in relief as I felt the veins retracting from my eyes. I slowly turned to Nancy and gave her a warm smile.

"Yeah. I was just thinking about my brothers. All this talk about them made me think about mines."

"Even Damon?" She asked surprisingly.

I nodded. "Yeah, even Damon."

She gave me a sad nod. I made up a story to her about Damon and I not speaking that much because he went away. That's not entirely true. But she assumed Damon was in the army that's why we couldn't speak. I just went along with it. Besides, it's not really a lie. Damon was recruited in the military. Before he became a pompous jackass.

I started pushing her out the door. "Ok, no more chick flick moments. Go have fun on your date. Go crazy. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. Which is a lot of things. Be responsible. Yaddie, yaddie, yah."

She turned around. "Ok, if you need anything -"

"Nancy, go. He's here." Right on cue, Steve's car pulled up. He waved at me and I waved back. "What did I tell you?"

"I still don't know how you do that," Nancy said before meeting Steve. Because I'm a vampire, that's why. "Ok, see you later, Bels. Mike behave!"

I chuckled at Mike's expression before closing the door. "What did I do?"

I smiled before ruffling his hair. "Nothing."

"So you're really babysitting me?" He asked. I nodded happily as I crossed my arms. "You know the guys are going to be happy, especially Dustin."

Aw, Dustin with his adorable smile. No matter what mood I'm in, Dustin's smile always makes me smile. It's just so cute.

I shook my head in amusement. "He's a sweetheart."

"No, he just likes you. Remember when he said you were the best chef?"

"Yeah, and all I made was grilled cheese." I went over to the closet. "Now are we going to talk or..." I grabbed the game board out from the closet and held it up. "Are we going to play some Dungeons and Dragons?"


A/N: Aww, Dustin and his smile.

A/N: Aww, Dustin and his smile

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