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Ugh, why is it morning already? Can't I just go back to sleep for the next decade or something? Good thing I'm a vampire or else I'd be sporting a massive hangover right about now. I glanced at my clock to read 10 a.m. Shit, I missed part of the school day already and I still have to help Steve get Nancy back. 

I felt an arm move around my waist. My eyes glanced down past my covered naked body towards the arm that was holding me. I looked behind me to see Billy cozying up next to me. My blanket covered us up and I mentally scolded myself. Why did I...How did we...Shit, I slept with Billy "the douchebag" Hargrove.


I held the door open and Billy slowly made his way in. My eyes couldn't leave that bruise on his face. Right across his left eye.

"How'd you get that shiner?" I asked as I closed the door.

"Oh, you know? Some guy thought he was a little shit head and decided to jump me. All though, I did get the upper hand," Billy said as he tried to gloat. I listened as his heartbeat spiked up. Since the moment he came in, Billy's heart has been skyrocketing. And even if some guy jumped him, he would have sported a few more bruises or even bleed a bit.

I raised my brow. "Do you want to try that again? No bull shit excuses. Tell me what happened or else -" I motioned to my door "- the door's right there."

I mean, it has to be something serious if Billy's coming to me. But why me out of all people? Doesn't he have his friends? Why couldn't he go to them?

Billy walked towards the parlor and saw my glass. Without asking, he grabbed my cup and chugged it. He let out a satisfying sound before he grabbed the whole bottle of bourbon before he started chugging some of it too. I rolled my eyes before walking over and snatching the bottle from him.

"Billy, go home. You shouldn't have come here."

It's like the word 'home' made something snap in Billy. Billy surprised me when he wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug, making me freeze in place. I tensed up a bit as I heard Billy sniffling against my shoulder.

"Please, don't kick me out," he cried.

Confused, I slowly rubbed his back. "Did something happen at home?" Billy tensed at the mention of home. Did...Did someone hit him? Is that why he's all the way over here? I should compel him to tell me but...I don't think I can with him in this state. "Ok. Ok, let me get another glass then."

I gently pushed Billy away and went towards the cupboard to grab another glass. Then, I went towards the table and grabbed the bourbon before pouring a half glass for me and a full glass for Billy.

I handed him his cup and said, "You might need this more."

Billy grabbed the cup and sat on my couch. "Thanks."

"No problem," I responded as I sat next to him. Billy started drinking the cup again as I got more comfortable. My legs were under me as I used to head of the couch to pace my arm before plopping my head up. "What's with the unexpected visit? Your buddies decided to dump you after you got 'jumped'?"

"Like they would do that," Billy chuckled. "Those pussies are so scared of me."

"Well, I don't see anything to be scared of. You're just a raging douchebag."

"And you're just a stuck up bitch."

"Whose house you prefer."

"Only 'cause there's everything right here. Entertainment, booze," Billy gave me a suggestive grin. "A smokin' hot girl to keep me company."

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