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I tried not to feel so guilty about Billy, but I had to compel him or else he was going to hurt Lucas. And to make things worst, Steve was beaten up pretty badly to the point he passed out. Max offered to drive but there is no way in hell am I letting that happen. I had Dustin and Mike in the back to patch Steve up.

"Nancy?" I heard Steve groan in the back. I glanced in the mirror to see him looking at Mike as he slowly woke.

Dustin pushed Steve's hand down as he tried to grab his head. "No, don't touch it," Dustin said. "Bels said you might have a headache when you wake up."

"Bela?" Steve mumbled.

"Hey," I greeted softly. My eyes went back to the road. "Sorry, if I couldn't heal you. We're in a bit of a time crunch and -"

"And I didn't want your filthy lips near her body," Dustin cut me off. I chuckled while Steve groaned and sat up. "I don't care if you put up a good fight, he still kicked your ass."

Lucas, who sat next to me in the front seat, said to me, "Ok, you're gonna keep straight for a half a mile then make a left on Mount Sinai."

"Gotcha," I responded. I glanced at Steve as he started to panic with all of us in the car. "Relax. It's better this way. Either this or the kids left us behind. I promised you'd be ok with so -" I smiled at him, "-try not to freak out."

I floored the gas and had everyone pushed back into their seats. "Whoa! Stop the car! Stop the car!" Steve shouted.

"Again, time crunch."

"Make a left!" Lucas shouted at me. To mess with them, I did a very sharp turn. I laughed when Steve reached over and gripped the seats.

"Jesus, Bela!" he yelled.

"Relax, I've been driving since...well since cars were invented," I stated nonchalantly.


The moment I parked the car, Steve hopped out and began kissing the ground. I raised my brow at him as I got out.

"Really?" I asked in disbelief as I went toward the trunk and opened it. "You've been in a car with me, Steve."

"I'm gonna puke," he said.

"It was either her or me," Max pointed out as she and the guys grabbed their gear. "I don't have my license and she has way more experience than me."

"And there's no way I would willingly put my kids in danger," I reassured him as Dustin handed me googles, a bandana, and gloves. "If you're that tired, Steve, you can stay out here."

Steve shook his head. "No, guys." Mike walked past us with the gas canister and some rope. "Hey, where do you think you're going?" Mike ignored him. "What are you, deaf? Hello?" He looked at me. "Aren't you going to stop them?"

"No. I haven't been in Hawkins that long and these guys know what they're doing." I gave Dustin, Max, and Lucas a pointed look. "But if anything happens, I will drag your asses back to that car and we're leaving."

"Ok, fine," Lucas said.

"Uh, no, we're leaving now," Steve argued. "We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear." Lucas, Dustin, and Max went with Mike while I stood next to Steve. "Hey, there's no chance we're going to that hole, all right? This ends right now!"

I rolled my eyes as veins formed under them. "Yeah, yeah. They're not gonna listen to you," I began before I bit into my wrist. I held it in front of Steve. "Now, drink. I'm pretty sure you have a concussion so this should heal you up."

"Don't you dare, Steve!" Dustin shouted.

This is going to be very Damon of me. I shoved my wrist into Steve's mouth and held the back of his head. Steve was struggling but slowly began to drink my blood. When he had enough, he pulled away and panted like crazy.

"I can't have you passing out on me," I smirked before giving him a little wink. Steve gave me a small glare. "Relax." I went over and used my sleeve to wipe the blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "I get you're upset. You promised Nancy you'll keep them safe. But Will needs their help. And I'm proud of them for going through the extremes for him. I mean, I'll do the same for you...Wouldn't you?"

Steve grabbed my wrist but kept looking at me. "No hesitation," he said softly. I smiled at him. "You know if something happens to me then I'll come back as a vampire."

I let out a breath. "I know. But you were hurt pretty badly and I didn't want anything to happen to you because of a bruised rib." I went to the trunk. "Besides, I know nothing bad will happen to you."

Steve furrowed his brows as he followed me. "What makes you say that?"

I grinned at him as I pulled out his nail bat and gear. "'re you."


A/: Ok, two - maybe three - chapter left until Season 2 is done!

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