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It really was a pity party. I've got the good bourbon out and Steve and I drank for a good part of the hour. We just stayed like that and talked about random stuff. Anything to get his mind off of Nancy and for me to forget about what I almost did at the party. I turned the stereo up and we did dance around for a bit. I drank most of the bourbon anyway, I'm not going to let Steve drive home drunk, you know. I just waited till he was a bit tipsy before I took the drinks away from him.

"I can't be - believe she doesn't love me," Steve cried. I guess the drinks haven't really left his system. "I can't believe she thinks our love is bull shit."

"I'm sure Nancy didn't mean it," I said. I chuckled. "Just wait till school starts and she won't remember a thing." I poked his nose. "That is the beauty of alcohol my friend. People get either really drunk to not remember shit or they pretend they don't remember it."

He scoffed as he motioned to me. "That's easy for you to say. You're a freaking vampire. You don't get drunk." His eyes widen. "I can't believe my best friend is a vampire." Then he started to get worried and looked around. "Your brother's not going to come back, is he?"

"No. Damon is long gone."

Steve sighed in relief. "Thank god."

I glanced at my watch. It's a little past 3 in the morning and he does have school. I guess I have to take him home. "Come on, Steve. Time to go."

"What?" he slurred. "We were having so much fun."

"I know. But you have school tomorrow, so you need to sleep."

He groaned. "Bels -"

I wrapped my arms around him. "Just hold on. I'll take you home."

"How are you -" I held Steve tight and ran us to his house. Steve started screaming and held on as we entered his room. I covered his mouth with my hand. "I don't feel good."

I removed my hand from his mouth. Steve ran over and went towards his bathroom. I scrunched my nose when I heard him vomit. I closed my eyes when I heard him puke again. I hope his parents don't wake up.

"Night, Steve," I mumbled before I ran back home. I guess I have to take him to school. After that, I'm gone.

I sighed in relief when I finally came back home. At least I'm in my pj's and not in that stained dress. I wanted to go and sleep. Even if it was for a little bit, but I still need to pack. I started making my way towards my room. I didn't even make it to the top of the stairs when I heard the door knock. Who the hell is at my house this time?

I sighed as I made my way downstairs. It must be late trick or treaters. They better not throw anything here or else I'm slashing some tires.

"Sorry, we're all out of -" I started as I opened the door. I stopped when it wasn't any trick or treaters. It was just Billy. "Oh, it's you." I crossed my arms. "What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "You left the party a little early. Came to see how you were doing?"

"Great," I started sarcastically. "Now you can leave."

I went to slam the door in his face but he stopped it with his hand. "Hey, I'm trying to be sincere here."

"Well, that failed." Billy raised his brow at me. I sighed before I opened the door for him. "Fine, dumbass, you can come in."

He smirked at me. "Thank you."

"Now why are you really here?" I asked once I closed the door.

"Can't I come and check up on you?" he retorted. "You were acting all weird and left."

"Got sick," I lied.

Billy noticed my bags on the floor and motioned to them. "Sick enough for you to leave."

"Yeah, well, Hawkins isn't really the place for me. Time for me to move on."

He nodded. "Where you plan on moving to?"

I shrugged. "Who knows? Florida? New York? Paris? Maybe I'll meet up with Stefan wherever he's at."

"And Stefan's your -"

"Brother. One you're never going to meet," I said.

"I sure hope not." He let out a low whistle as he looks around the place. "What kind of idiot wouldn't want to live here?" He picked up a photo and held it up to me. "Is this him?"

I walked over and snatched it out of his hand. "Yes, it is. And don't touch anything that's not yours." Billy held his hands up and went over to the couch. Sure, make yourself comfortable why don't you? "You see I'm fine. You can leave."

"Not until we talk," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "About what? Last time I've checked, we don't like each other." I gave him a look. "How drunk are you?"

"What makes you think I'm drunk?"

"Because that makes more sense than you sobering up to make sure I'm fine."

"I have my moments, princess."

I sighed before I grabbed the bourbon from the table. Maybe I will be drunk enough in the morning. "Fine, but if we're going to talk then I'm going to need this."

Billy nodded before I sat next to him. I opened the bottle and took a big swing before offering him some. He took it before he took a big gulp. "You going to tell me why you left," he said.

"Like I said, I felt sick and decided to leave."

Billy took another swing. "I heard you went with that loser Jonathan."

I could have sworn I heard a hint of jealousy in Billy's voice. But I didn't pay attention to it as I gave him an annoyed look. "First off, Jonathan isn't a loser. Second, I can go with whoever the fuck I want. And third, he's just a friend. We wanted to have fun and we did." Even after the kids said they wanted to go trick-or-treating without us.

Billy handed the bottle back. "Guy's still a loser." I took another gulp. "You know, you've been a big pain in my ass the past few weeks. But I'm going to miss someone who doesn't have a stick up their asses."

I smirked. "Did Billy Hargrove just compliment me?"

"I compliment you everyday."

"Those are cheap pickup lines. Might want to try again in the next 50 years."

To my surprise, he chuckled. Like a real chuckle. Not a douchebag chuckle that he gives me everyday. "See? Who am I going to talk to when you're gone?"

"What about those airheads you call friends?"

"But none of them are hot." Billy sighed as he glanced at the clock. "Ok, since you're leaving. Why not tell me about yourself." I gave him a look. "Come on, it wouldn't hurt. Let me get to know the hot chick known as Bela Salvatore." I raised my brow. "I know you want to."

Something doesn't seem right. This is way out of character for Billy. He's being nice. That's what it is. He's being nice to me. I leaned closer to him and dialated my puil.

"What are you really doing here, Hargrove?" I asked.

I saw his pupils dialate. "I want to see if you're alright."

"No tricks?"

"Not this time. Not everything I do is a trick."

Oh, wow. He wanted to see if I was alright and here I am being a complete dick to him. I sighed as I pulled away and leaned back against the couch. I took a massive swing.

"What do you want to know?"

Billy shrugged. "Everything."

"Fine. But if I'm going to tell you about me then you need to tell me about you," I said with a smug look. "Seems only fair."

He nodded. "Sure, but first..." he pointed at the bourbon, "we're going to need a lot more than that."


A/N: Short filler.

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