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These kids never cease to amaze me. I thought they would run away from me and call me a monster. Or at least try to kill me or grab Steve's bat to whack me with it. They haven't done that at all. Lucas, Max, and Dustin were surrounding me, bombarding me with many questions about vampirism, while Steve was walking behind us. He and I were really confused about why they were so excited and not scared. Steve was, so I thought they would as well. But they didn't and I don't know if I should feel relieved or concerned.

I've told them about my enhanced speed, strength, and hearing. I also talked to them about compulsion. Dustin and Lucas began asking if I ever used compulsion on them which I replied no. They've mostly asked me the same stuff Steve did, except we didn't get to the personal stuff like how I was turned and whatnot.

"Ok, so does holy water really burn you?" Dustin asked.

"No, it really doesn't do...well...anything," I answered.

Lucas nodded. "Ok, how about the sun? Aren't vampires supposed to burn? How do you explain that?"

I held up my daylight ring. "I wear a ring that lets me walk in the sunlight. Can't be just any ring. The gem has to be forged by a witch."

Max did a double-take. "Wait, so witches are real, too?" I nodded. She let out a tired breath. "Right, because Demogorgans and vampires can't be the only things real? What's next? A wendigo? Fairies?"

"Out of my many years of existence, I know those aren't real. Then again...I never came across a Demogorgan so I'll keep you posted if anything changes."

"Wait, how old are you anyway?"


Lucas slapped my arm. "Not like that," he said. "Like...what's your real age?"

Dustin nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah. How old are you? Can you eat garlic?"

Lucas gave him a look. "What kind of stupid question is that? You saw her eat garlic bread the other day."

I couldn't help but chuckle. "Yes, I can eat garlic. And I'm 136 years old."

"Awesome," Dustin breathed with a grin.

Steve let out a low whistle. "We're friends with an old lady."

I glared at him. "And this old lady's about to drink you dry, especially since your arm is still bleeding."

Steve furrowed his brows. "What?" He glanced down and saw that the blood was seeping through his make-shift wrap. "Shit. Sorry." He tore the hem of this shirt and began wrapping it around his wrist. Steve then gave me a concerned look. "How are you feeling, by the way? I know I kinds forced you to drink my blood but -"

"I feel good," I lied. "I feel great. I thought I was gonna go off the rails and binge drink but...I'm completely fine. I just need to head to the blood bank and get some bags."

Yes, I lied. I had to. I'm trying my hardest to not pin Steve up to the tree and drain him of blood. It's been so long since the sweet taste of human blood touched my lips. All I want to do is drink Steve's blood, compel the kids to forget what they saw, then go on a drinking spree. Just lay flat in the middle of the road until someone stops in front of me before I attack them.

Oh, god, what am I thinking? I can't. I can't do that. I'll become a ripper. I'll end up leaving bodies around Hawkins before moving to the next state. Stefan would be so disappointed in me. I broke my promise to him.

"Are you sure?" Max wondered. "You look like you have a cold?"

"Just a small drawback," I lied again. "I've been on the bunny diet for years so drinking human blood to heal myself isn't something my body is used to. I'll be fine once we find Zart."

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