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You know, I'm glad I told Steve about Leonard. Steve's my best friend and he deserves to know about my past. I forget how good it feels to...well...let my feelings out. To have a best friend who listens. The last person I've told almost everything to is Katherine, but she's long gone. Stuck in that tomb. So I haven't really been open about myself to anyone. And I'm glad I opened myself to Steve. He's a really good friend. I hope Nancy takes him back. Even if there's an off chance she doesn't then I know he'll make some girl happy.

Even talking to Steve about Leonard really helped me. After all this time I still feel guilty about his death. Leonard didn't do anything wrong except loving me. There are times I wonder how our life would have been if he wasn't killed and if I never became a vampire. I know in my heart that Leonard and I would have had a happy marriage if things didn't turn out the way they did.

Just talking about it is getting me teared up in front of Eleven. It was almost two hours since Steve left when I heard a creak coming from my backyard. I went to check it out and make sure it wasn't Damon. I was shocked to find Eleven. She was shocked that I didn't leave like I said I would. I had to lie to her and say something came up and I had to stay. Ok, that wasn't a complete lie. But to be fair, I didn't have to stay.

"Are you sad, Bela?" Eleven asked me.

I shook my head and gave her a reassuring smile. "No, I'm fine. I'm just...thinking that's all."


"Nothing really. I just..." I sighed as I walked over and patted her head. "I'm just getting a little homesick that's all. And I miss my brothers." Another half-lie. I miss Stefan and Damon, even without his humanity.

"What are they like?" she wondered.

"Oh, um..." I didn't expect her to ask that. "Damon, you might not like him. He's...He could be a bit wild at times. But he never was like that. weird as it sounds...he was more of a gentleman. Well, both of them are. Except that all changed one day."

"What happened?"

Images of Katherine came through my head. Stefan and Damon fighting for her affections. The way Damon would always chase after her.

"The same thing that happens with all guys," I said. "He met someone. And when that happened..." Imagines flashed through my mind of Stefan, Damon, and I being shot by my father when we tried to save Katherine. " made him a different person."

"And your other brother?"

"Oh, you would have love Stefan. He's a sweetheart." More images flashed through my mind of Stefan smiling at me while we were running around the garden at home. "He always knows how to make someone feel better. At home, we were the Salvatore siblings, us against the world." My mind flashbacked to when Damon was trying to teach us how to play football when it was first invented. "Until one day, we weren't."

Now, my mind flashed to when Stefan made me and Damon complete our transition. His bloodied grin when he watched me drink blood for the first time while Damon stood shocked in the back. Then when Damon completed his transition, he grabbed me and promised to make Stefan's life a living hell before we ran.

"It was the girl, right?" Eleven stated. "She did you and your brothers apart."

"As much as I hate to admit, she did. She tried to get on my good side while playing both of them. It was clear to me that she loved Stefan more but...she just had to string Damon along. It was all a game to her."

"Bitch," she muttered.

I couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, I supposed but I still loved her. She was my best friend. But...she's gone now."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It happened a long time ago, so you won't even meet her."

"Good, I would have slapped her," she said.

Ok, that got a good laugh out of me. I went over and wrapped my arms around Eleven as I laid my chin on top of her head. Eleven started to shiver again.

"You cold?" I asked.

She shook her head. "No, I just feel funny."

I started to listen to her heartbeat. It was going fast. Not the kind when you like someone. It's like the kind of beat you get when you're scared. As if you're watching a scary movie and pop up happens. And it happens in the theatres so the music isn't really helping the suspense. That's how Eleven's heart is right now. She's scared. But, is she scared of me?

"You ok?"

"Yeah," she lied. Damn, I wish I could use compulsion on her but for some reason, it doesn't work on her. "Bela, you're not a monster, are you?"

Ok, that really caught me off guard. I'm a vampire so that kinda means I am one. Does she know something?

"What do you think?" I asked as I removed myself from her. "Do you think I'm a monster?"

"No," she replied. I hope she doesn't realize I'm trying to dodge her question. "You don't look like a monster to me."

"Good," I grinned. I looked at the clock, realizing it's getting late. "Hey, you should be heading home? Do you need me to drive you?"

Eleven got up while shaking her head. "No, I'm good."

"You sure, it's getting dark outside."

"Positive." She went and grabbed her bag. "But you're going to be here tomorrow? You're not leaving?"

"I'm not leaving. I'll see you tomorrow."

Eleven smiled before she ran out through the back door.


Yes, it's finally night time and I could get some sleep. Well, after I finish my glass of bourbon at least. Thanks a lot, Damon for getting me into this stuff. I went back to the parlor and poured myself a glass. It's already 1 a.m. I should be going to sleep. Big day helping Steve, you know.

"Bottoms up," I said with a grin before drinking it. While I was drinking it, I heard someone knocking on my door. I rolled my eyes. "You've got to be kidding me."

Again, it's one in the freaking morning. Who the hell would be knocking on my door? I set my glass down before making my way towards the front. The person on the other side began knocking frantically.

"I'm coming!" I yelled. I went towards the door and opened it. I regret it immediately when I saw Billy on the other side. I rolled my eyes before I tried to slam it against his face. "Bye, asshole."

Billy stopped the door. "Bela," his voice hoarse.

I furrowed my brows as I opened my door all the way. I finally got a good look at Billy. His eyes were red and puffy while dry tears stained his cheeks. He was sporting a nasty bruise on his left eye.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

I slowly nodded. I opened my door wide open and let Billy in.

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