Author's Note

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Before we begin, I will mention some disclaimers:

DISCLAIMER #1: This story is not a gay romance. 

DISCLAIMER #2: All places in this story are fake, and any similarities to places in our real world are just coincidences. Also, any similarities to any other places in any other fictional stories on Wattpad or anywhere else is coincidence as well.

DISCLAIMER #3: All characters in this story are fake. Any similarities to real people, alive or dead, is coincidence. Any similarities to other characters in other stories on Wattpad or elsewhere is also coincidence. 


Now that that's out of the way...

Hi. I'm @PinkieElle a.k.a. Pink Elephant. 

This story is very special to me. It's the first long story I wrote that I actually finished. (Does that sentence even make sense?) My New Year's Resolution of 2020 was to finish writing one story by Christmas 2020. Like majority of all the other people who make resolutions during New Year's, I forgot mine...

...Until the start of December 2020. Needless to say, I was panicking on December 3rd 2020. 

I usually get story ideas from all over the place. Books, movies, TV shows, anime, real people... basically anything that can communicate something has the potential to inspire me. So, on Dec. 3rd, I decided that whatever story was my latest idea would be the one that I would work on actually finishing. That story was Girl Posing As A Boy... this story. 

During December 2020, from the 3rd to the night of the 24th, my main focus was this story. That's 21 days. I had writer's block for one day in between during which I didn't touch this story at all. Now, this story has 28 chapters, so that means that I wrote around 1 chapter a day, plus a little more of the next. I remember that I would immediately send the chapters to my best friend after writing them, and I also remember sending two chapters on some of the days. 

Basically, I'd like to take a moment to say, "Congratulates, Pink Elephant, you reached your goal!". 

(^ That's me being a little narcissistic self-centered -- ignore please?)


This story is very special to me for these reasons. To anyone out there who reads it: 

(This does not include or apply to my BFF @btssecretmanager OK?)

1. Please no hate comments. I worked hard on this story, and despite the messy ending, I'm proud of it.

2. The ending is VERY messy, like REALLY messy. Something that happens in the end... the MC could have just told someone with authority and gotten it dealt with. The MC didn't, so... the ending is kinda messy. 

3. Despite the ending being messy, the two MC's do end up together, so no need to reach the last chapter to see. 

4. This story kind of ends on a cliffhanger, depending on how invested you are in this story. The MC's do end up together, and the cliffhanger is not about them, so you're safe in that zone, dear reader. 

5. On paper, each chapter is 7 pages long. I'd like to think that that's a good length for a chapter, but if you don't... uhh... deal with it?

6. Most importantly of all, have fun, dear reader(s)! I write for fun, not as a profession, and I hope it's the same for my reader(s). 


Roses are my favourite flower, so that's why they are up there. ^^^


Happy Reading, dear reader(s)! 

I hope you enjoy my story.

~Pink Elephant

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