Chapter 28: Will

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It has a happy ending, like I promised. 


IT'S the LAST chapter! I can't believe I actually managed to post all the chapters-

OK, I'm going to save all the gooey, cheesy stuff for the last Author's Note that I'll publish in about a week. 

Aside from that, I'm going on a vacation tomorrow, so I'll probably disappear for a bit. I just wanted to post this chapter for you all before I go. 


Happy Reading! (For the last time in Girl Posing As A Boy history.)

Chapter 28


Today is Saturday, April 25th. The hockey season is over, and so is the AHT. For the university league, the finals were ironically between us, the Kensingburg Lions, and the team from BRU that we played and lost against. The game was a close one, but... we won. And, despite the fact that we won, I wasn't in the mood to celebrate back then. So, I skipped out on the celebratory dinner.

Now, it's been a few weeks since our victory. During the entire hockey season and over the last few months, I was here but only in my physical body. My soul wasn't in it. Not as much as it would have been if Laura were here. Eight words kept me going and motivated me to play my best and try to win the gold medal.

"Would Laura want to see you like this?".

So many people said that to me -- or some other version of it -- whenever I was about to give up. The answer was always "no".

No, Laura wouldn't want to see me like this.

No, Laura wouldn't want to see me do this to myself.

No, Laura wouldn't want me to give up.

And, so I pressed on. I worked hard to win the AHT. Laura couldn't participate in the tournament with us, but we -- the team -- all worked hard and won it for her. Now, the season's over. There is only one thing I'm looking forward to now. The day that she comes back.

It's April, so the snow has melted outside, but the ice rinks are still in service. Atleast, the indoor one is and so is the game rink. Right now, I'm here at the indoor rink. My stuff is on the side and I'm just shooting pucks into the net with no reason at all. Suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I see my phone light up with a text notification. I skate over to my phone, which is just sitting on the dasher boards along the side of the rink. I gasp when I see who the text is from. Laura.

Laura: Will. Turn around.

I turn and look around the rink. At the entrance of the rink on the other side longways, I see a familiar shape being silhouetted because of the sun from the door behind her. She's dressed in a simple, purple dress that reaches just above her knees and black leggings. She also has on brown ankle boots and a cream coloured coat on. It's Laura.

I take off, skating my fastest, across the ice. It feels like forever, but is really only seconds, until I reach her. I take off my gloves and throw them onto the ice, not really caring about where they end up. The only thing -- sorry, person -- I care about right now is Laura. As soon as I'm close enough to her, I put my arms around her and kiss her.

It's been months, but there is still that familiar feeling of blissfulness when I kiss her. When I finally let her go, it's very reluctantly. I keep my hands at her waist, though.

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