Chapter 9: Laura/Nick

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I don't remember which chapter I described the Kensingburg Sports University logo in, but this is what it looks like for those who need a visual to help them understand how it looks.

Unfortunately, I couldn't colour it in, but I think I've always kind of imagined it with just lines on a blank, white surface. You can imagine it with colours, too, but keep in mind that the Kensingburg colours are white, gold, and orange. 

In August (2021) me and my family is going on a 10-day long vacation, so I'll probably not update during then -- if there's any chapters left to update for this story. Just a heads-up. I won't leave my readers hanging, though. 

In total, there's 28 chapters and this is Chapter 9. I (try to) update every few days. If I update every other day with two chapters a day, then I might be finished posting this story here on Wattpad by the end of July 2021. 

Oh! I haven't mentioned this before, but this story is NOT mature by any means. There is a little blackmail in here and mentions of taking advantage of someone while they are not in the right mindset (it doesn't actually happen, though), but other than that there is NO MATURE CONTENT. When the blackmail and the mentions of that come up, I'll put a warning on the chapter. Also, I'm not going to write Will and Laura doing we-all-know-what. They don't do that in this story, and I won't even mention it. 

Other than that...

Happy Reading!

P.S.: I don't think my beginning A/N's are ever going to be short. 

Chapter 9


Why, why, why did you have to fall in love with me, Willy boy? Why? You're literally putting me between a rock and a hard place.

The rock is the university and the people there. They don't know that Nicholas Thompson is actually a girl named Laura Thompson. If I were found out, I would be kicked out of Kensingburg. That can't happen. On the other hand, I like Will. A lot. I don't want to be apart from him. If I were kicked out of Kensingburg, I would have to go back to my hometown... of High Cliff Bay, which is about eight hours' worth of a drive away from Diamond Ring.

Right now, I'm sitting on the guest bed in the guest room of the Johnston family home in Hill Valley. Mrs. Johnston welcomed me with open arms an hour and a half ago. We had reached at about 8 pm, and it was dark outside, so Mrs. Johnston couldn't have seen anything from inside the car. That means that she didn't see Will get his heart broken by me. I feel so guilty that I'm sitting here without Mr. and Mrs. Johnston knowing how much I've hurt their son.

I met Mr. and Mrs. Johnston when we came in and they seemed like nice people. Will's dad, David Johnston, was a distinguished-looking man in his mid forties with graying dark hair. He was a little strict when I first met him, but throughout the course of dinner, he turned into this sweet family man. Will's mom, Clara Johnston, had blonde hair with some gray hairs in it. She was kind, sweet, caring, loving -- a typical mother.

Will's sister, Jane Johnston, is also here, of course. Jane is fourteen years old with dirty blonde hair -- a mix of brown and blonde. She has the same blue eyes as Will, which was apparently a physical trait they both get from their dad. Jane was an amazing little sister. She took Will's and my jacket from us to hang up, she set the table for dinner, and helped her mom with the dishes.

Now, Will... Will was almost like a younger version of his dad. Dark brown hair and blue eyes, tall and a little intimidating. But, they were both also nice once you get to know them. I learned that Will's dad owned a company here in Hill Valley. They also had another office in Diamond Ring. That would explain why Will's family lived in a slightly bigger than average house. The Johnstons were decently rich.

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