Chapter 16: Will

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Chapter 16


Laura is amazing. She is really, truly, freaking amazing. When she scored the first point for our team in this game and season, I wanted to go over to her and hug her so bad. But, I couldn't because we were in the middle of a game.

When the three periods of the game ended, the winner was very clear. The score was 6 to 4. It was a close game, but there was a two-point difference between our scores. But, despite that, we played really well (and avoided injuries) and...

...Won the game! Us, the Kensingburg Lions, were the winners of the game with DRU's team today.

In the locker room after the game, there was still that buzz of excitement. Everyone was congratulating the six of us who played today: me, Laura, Archie Padmore, Kane Michaels, Elijah Kahler, and our goalie, Jake Evans. But, I know that most of us think that this victory belongs to Laura. She scored the first point, motivating us to score more points and win the game. When she comes out of the changing room, I walk up to her and hug her. Her arms immediately wrap around me, but she still asks questions.

"Will!", she gasps. "What are you doing?".

"Hugging my boyfriend after the hockey game where he scored the first goal for our team in said game and in this season.", I reply.

I know that Laura is in her boy disguise, but knowing that she is a girl, it's weird to call her "boyfriend" and "he".

I also know that I called her my boyfriend just now, so our teammates -- who are still in the locker room with us -- are probably gaping at us from behind me. Internally, I lightly laugh at them for their reactions that I can't really see.

"Will, let me go!", she says. "You're sweaty and you stink!".

"So are you.", I respond. "We were both in a hockey game just now. It's understandable that we are sweaty and that we stink.".

She relaxes a little is my embrace, "...Good point.".

I smile and loosen my embrace so that I'm still hugging her, just not as tightly, "If I let you go, you aren't going to bail on us are you?".

"Why would I bail on you?", she asks, playfully.

"You would bail on me because I just called you my boyfriend in front of our team and you don't want to explain to them what's going on between us.", I answer, keeping up the joke.

She nods, pretending to think, "That's totally right. Do I still have the chance to bail now?".

"No!", comes a chorus from our team.

"Well, the jury has spoken.", I smile. "You, my good man, are not allowed to leave.".

"We shall see about that, good sir.", Laura responds.

Now, I'm confused, "What?".

Laura tilts her head to the side, giving me a way-too-sweet smile, "Oh, nothing... just... this!".

She kicks me in the shin. She actually kicked me in the shin. What the heck? And... dang... she's strong!

"Oww! La... Nick! What the...", I exclaim. I can't believe that I almost called her by her real name -- I promised not to when we are in public.

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