Chapter 7: Laura/Nick

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^^^ That was the cover that I designed for this story. Then, surprisingly, my friend (not @btssecretmanager) made a cover and I loved her's 100000000X more than my own. Honestly, I like collage-type covers because they have information about the story in a visual form. The one that she made also does that... just waaay neater than mine. 

Fun Fact: I do all my writing and things like that on Google Docs and Google Slides, so I used Google Drawings for my cover. The font up there in the title is the one I'd usually write the title for this story in. 

I just thought I'd show what my first cover looked like. No, I'm not changing the cover -- I'm going to use the current one (the one with a girl in the top left corner holding a mask which looks like a guy's head and she's looking at a mirror with a hockey player on it). 

I meant to update this chapter yesterday, on July 9th, 2021, but I was out of town so I couldn't. It's summer vacation and my parents took me and my brother on a day trip. 

But, here's the next chapter now: 

Happy Reading!

Chapter 7


I'm not going to last long here at Kensingburg. I know it. All my secrets are going to be spilled out if things keep going the way they are now.

I can't believe what I just said. "And, even if I did, you wouldn't know him.". Why, why, why did I say that they wouldn't know him? I don't have anything against men liking men or women liking women. It's just that the entire world might not think that way. To the rest of Kensingburg, I'm a guy named Nick. Now, the team thinks that I like men.

Well, I mean, I technically do like men, but... I just complicated things and blew them way out of proportion, didn't I?

This is exactly why I'm not going to last long here at Kensingburg.

The team is staring at me with shock but Brayden Abbott is the first one to recover from the bomb I just accidentally dropped, "Nick... you like men?".

"What the...?", Grayson Vaughn still can't find the words he's looking for.

"You're...", Shawn Olivier gasps.

I sigh and countdown from ten in my head. "Yeah, I like men. Do you have a problem with that?".

"No, no, no... it's not like that!", Will exclaims. "We're cool with you liking men... right?".

Everyone choruses a "Yes" or "I'm cool with it". Then, we keep walking to the dormitory building. Unknowingly, we had stopped in the middle of the courtyard when the bomb was accidentally dropped. At the dormitory building, we take the elevator up. Most of our dorm rooms are actually on the third floor, but the dorms are also arranged according to age. I'm in my first year, but I'm twenty years old, so I share a dorm room with Will who's in his second year but also twenty.

When we get to our dorm room, I take off my shoes and jacket by the door out of habit. I don't want the floor and the carpet in our dorm room to be muddy and who wears a winter jacket indoors? Will does the same. Then, I put my backpack which has my sweaty clothes in it on my chair and go to my closet. Wordlessly, I grab a pair of PJ pants and a long sleeved t-shirt. Locking the door of the bathroom behind me, I change into my PJ's. I make sure my wrap is in place and then walk out of the bathroom.

I see that Will has already changed into his PJ's of a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. We've been doing this a lot -- me changing in that bathroom at night and him in the main part of our dorm room. I personally think that it's a little risky, because I might come out sooner than he expects and see him shirtless or something. I don't think Will would have any problems with that because he thinks I'm Nick Thompson, but with me being Laura Thompson, it's a whole 'nother story. He just doesn't know who he is actually sharing a dorm room with. Laura Thompson.

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