Chapter 17: Laura/Nick

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Again, I have a quote for you all. I found it when I was online window shopping for something. 

A little about me: I'm a big music fan, but I mainly listen to Hindi Bollywood songs, rarely any English ones. 

Anyways, the quote:

Without music, life would B flat.

~Dulcinea Martinez

For those who don't get this: "B flat" is a note in music. It's written as "B♭", the ♭ being the symbol for a flat note. A flat and a sharp (♯) note are the black keys on a piano. (I'm using a piano here because it's one of the best ways to visualise notes in music because they are all laid out on the keyboard.)

No, the flat symbol (♭) is not a lowercase letter B (b). It's a symbol of it's own. And, no, the sharp sign (♯) is not a hashtag (#), they are two different symbols. 

Basically, the quote is a play on words, but it's true. Imagine a life without music. Definitely, it would B flat. 

Anyways, that's my mini music lesson of the day. I hope I explained it clearly. Sorry if I didn't. 

The picture at the top is a visual I made of the quote. Unfortunately, I didn't know who wrote the quote at the time I made it, otherwise, I would have put her name in the visual. 

Onto the story!

Happy Reading!

Chapter 17


I can't believe that I actually scored the first goal in this game and in this season for our team. Ohmigosh, that was such a cool feeling when I watched that puck slide into the net. The other team's goalie had tried to block it, but they had missed.

And, then, Will had hugged me right when I came out of the changing room. I had hugged him back right away on instinct. I can tell when he's hugging me. But, I was also aware that our team was right there, watching. And, somehow, I felt strangely calm with them knowing.

Now, me and Will are on our way to the restaurant that our team agreed to meet at. It's a restaurant named Nightingale Pizzeria. Like it's name states, it's a pizzeria -- a pizza place. I asked Will why our team chose that place, but he only replied that the Kensingburg men's hockey teams have been going there after every game, win or lose, ever since anyone can remember. I find that that's a really nice tradition.

The restaurant is near the campus, so we get there in about fifteen minutes. Will was driving his white Toyota Venza, and I was in the passenger seat, like we were during the drive to and from Hill Valley last weekend to see his family. We get out of his car after he parks. Then, we walk into the restaurant. Inside, I realize that it's actually kind of a more formal pizza place. Will talks to the waitress who came up to us and she takes us to a private dining room.

Inside, there is a long table that seats exactly twenty people. Me and Will were running late, so there are only two spots left open when we enter. All the others were taken by our team. One was at the head of the table and the other was on that seat's right hand side. Will, the captain of the team would sit at the head of the table. So, the seat on his right hand side is mine.

The team cheers as we enter. Laughing, me and Will take our seats. On Will's left hand side is Archie and beside him is Eli. On my right is Kane and beside him is Jake.

"Did you guys already order?", Will asks.

"Of course, we ordered our regular.", Archie replies.

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