Chapter 2: Will

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This chapter is in Will's POV. Enjoy!

Underlined means texting, again. 

And, I just realized that I'm also underlining the POV's in each chapter (scroll down if you don't get what I mean) and I'm kinda hoping that you know that the POV's of each chapter isn't texting-underlined, it's to make it stand out. 

^^^ Up there is the map of their dorm room, just in case anyone didn't understand the description in the last chapter. The green is Will's stuff, the red is Laura/Nick's. Will's bed is a regular single bed, and Laura's is a bunkbed without the bottom part. Instead of the bottom bunk, there is a pile of pillows and blankets -- a cozy corner of sorts? 

Chapter 2


Nicholas "Nick" Thompson is an interesting person. But, of course, I've only known him for ten minutes. Probably less since I've just met him. I wonder what department of Kensingburg he's in? Maybe in the Hockey Department? Does that mean that we will have classes and practices together?


Why am I thinking like this?

Why am I thinking of him like I would a girl?

He's a guy... my roommate, at that.

Why am I thinking like this?

I roll over in my bed and moonlight streams in through the window, half blinding me in the process. I squint my eyes and roll back over onto my right side. Now I'm facing the little set of stairs leading up to the bunk bed where Nick is. I know that Nick is still up there. He hasn't come down since last night. I wonder if he's awake?

Then, I hear the covers of the bunk bed being thrown back and, soon, Nick comes down the mini stairs. I close my eyes and pretend to be sleeping. Why am I pretending to be asleep? I don't know. It was my first instinct. I'm going crazy, right?

I hear Nick walk around my bed to the two closets beside it. He -- I think -- opens it and takes out some clothes. Then, he walks back around my bed and to the private bathroom our dorm room has. All dorm rooms have a private bathroom. Soon, the tap at the sink turns on. I wait for a few more minutes until I know for sure that Nick isn't going to suddenly come out of the bathroom. Then, I get out of my bed and stretch.

I go to my desk and sit down on my chair. I unplug my phone from where it's charging. Opening my texts, I see that I have a text from my mom. My mom is the typical, kind and sweet, worrying about every little thing type of mother.

Mom: Good morning, Will! How are you settling into your dorm? How is your roommate? Is he nice?

The text is from six this morning. It's seven now. She's probably expecting a response soon, so I answer her quickly.

Me: Hey, Mom! I'm doing okay. My roommate's cool, too.

Well, 'cool' may not be the right word to describe Nick, but I also don't know what word will accurately describe him, so 'cool' it is. A reply comes in immediately.

Mom: That's good. What's his name?

Me: Nicholas Thompson. He goes by Nick, though.

Mom: He sounds like a lovely boy.

Me: I've known him for less than ten minutes.

Mom: You spent a night together in the dorm room, though, didn't you?

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