Chapter 5: NegaPosi*Continues

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The warm July sun shone over the amphitheater of Shirasagi Park as Kaito sat on one of the benches, a spoon in a cup of ice cream. Gakupo seemed less interested in his - to Kaito's great surprise. He understood that the warrior never had nearly his own love for sweet foods and treats, but surely something as amazing as ice cream should have been different?

It had been three days since the confrontation at the wharf with Haku. Though Kaito still felt nervous about how it ended, he'd come to accept Luka and Gakupo's reassurances that he had not killed her. Still, the words she left behind remained a source of confusion.

'Seal of the Seruva...' he thought to himself, 'I've never even heard of that term. I'm a Spirit Caller...'

Not that the spirits spoke to him anymore...

As the time dragged on, he began to assume they'd abandoned him entirely for his weaknesses. Yet now he'd beaten back two incursions of Noise into reality. His memories of the spirit he'd pursued that led him to being captured were hazy... but perhaps he was meant to come to Earth and stop this threat. As horrifying as his experiences were at the hands of humanity... he was glad to make such sacrifices and more for the sake of his people, even when he could no longer count himself among their number.

Kaito's spoon dragged at the bottom of the cup and he realized he'd run out. Before he could say anything, Gakupo handed over his half-eaten cup of ice cream and smiled. "You may have the rest of mine," he said.

Kaito laughed, embarrassed that he was so obvious without even having spoken. As Kaito dug into the ice cream cup, Gakupo stood up and drew his sword, Miburi, from the magical sheath he kept at his side. "Gakupo... is it safe to practice swordplay here?" Kaito said nervously.

"I am using the utmost caution!" he protested as he began to fence with an imaginary opponent, "Practice is paramount. The foe could strike at any moment... and Luka told me not to use my weapons in the house..."

As he advanced on his "foe", he added "Besides, those 'samurai' films running on the television were quite inspiring... I'd no idea humans once revered a warrior caste of their own!"

Kaito was surprised how well Gakupo was playing along at being human. For his friend, it was entirely a choice. At any time, the warrior could simply return home, tell a white lie, and go back to being a Seruva.

"So this business of 'reasons'... they seem to take it quite seriously, don't they?!" Gakupo shouted, trying to keep their conversation going.

Only Gakupo would try to have a conversation while miming chopping a man's head off. "Apparently Miku started it," Kaito explained, "I asked her a little about it, but it's a practice all four of them started when they formed the troupe. They vowed that when they recruited new members, we'd have to engage in it as well."

"So you've had a little more time than I... any progress?" Gakupo fired back.

Kaito took a moment of thought as he swallowed another spoonful of ice cream. "I guess right now... I just did it because I don't know what else to do," he admitted, "I knew it would help Miku out. She's already done so much for me. And it gave me the chance to make some human friends, so why wouldn't I? But I suspect it's not what she wants to hear."

He hated to admit to himself, but being a Spirit Caller wasn't a terribly easy life. Ever since he'd stepped into the position at the age of thirteen, his life was to be nothing but pure devotion to his prayers and vigils. That meant no time playing or engaging with anyone that could distract him from his duty. Though he'd once had Meiko to count on, her rapid ascension to power quickly tore that bond apart. No doubt if they'd realized how friendly and informal he and Gakupo had gotten, they'd have reassigned Gakupo at once and given him another guard that respected duty first.

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