Chapter 6: Night Pulse

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“Wearing eyeliner and mascara, to get into a stylish bar, clad in a suit, I waited for you…”

“Gakupo, how’s that jinbaori feel?  Think you can move around in that?”

“I don’t know, how are pants supposed to feel?”

Luka’s new costume model was utterly out of his element as she ordered him around.  Just behind him was her television set, playing her favorite film, Sweets and Bitters.  She’d put it on for some background noise, and now the credits were rolling over her favorite song.  She hadn’t finished the body suit yet, so he was trying the jinbaori on over his normal clothes.  “I just need to know if you can dance wearing the costume.”

“Tiptoeing in high heels, the right height for a kiss…”

Naturally, Gakupo tested not dance steps, but sword stances.  Luka tried to focus only on searching for mistakes in the craftsmanship, but found herself distracted just watching his motions.  For all of Gakupo’s outlandish personality, he still possessed the natural grace of a Seruva warrior, the complete awareness of self.

“A variety of cocktails, the candles on the table, erasing the confusion…”

As he finished his stances, he turned his gaze back to the seamstress.  “The tailoring is superb!  I could easily conduct battle AND dance in this garment!”

“Dancing and fighting are very different,” Luka said, “I’ll get to work finishing them.”

With exams over and summer break begun, Luka could finally begin her Vocaloid work. Gakupo and Kaito had been in town for a week and chaos seemed to follow the duo wherever they went.  But tonight, it would just be her and her sewing…

… or so she thought until she heard a familiar “ping” on her phone. She grabbed the device and the sender confirmed her suspicions.

[16bitCaRR0t: 15 ppl missing @ Karasu Circle, no witnesses, cops clueless
2xLariat: Did you investigate the area?  Did you notice anyone acting strangely around any particular location?
16bitCaRR0t: ppl getting crazy around Club Airly. getting “forgotten” when they go in.
16bitCaRR0t: maybe its memory gas. ill bring my gas mask down next time i look! busy chasing Big Sweet 2nite >=D]

“Grown-up gestures charm me before I know it, the skyscrapers that appealed to me…”

A popular night club… how could people just vanish into the Noise when surrounded by others?  She glanced at Gakupo, who was folding up his clothes.  He still remained unaware of his own actions when under the influence of Dark Notes…

Luka began to plan a strategy.  To investigate a nightclub, they would need proper identification.  Kaito and Gakupo weren’t human, let alone Japanese, and Miku was underage.

[2xLariat: Speaking of clubs… I need three IDs. Some friends of mine need entertainment.
16bitCaRR0t: NEthing 4 u 2x!]

As Luka began to upload some quick photos from her phone of Miku, Kaito, and Gakupo, she addressed her houseguest.  “Gakupo… there might be a Herald on the loose…” she said, “I need to get you dressed…”

Gakupo became animated with energy.  “AH!  I’ll grab my warrior’s robes and…”

She almost felt guilty deflating his enthusiasm. “It’s a night club, actually,” Luka explained, “I meant, I need to get you clothes to blend in.

“…the pleasure district's invitation, today, I'll try fitting in with them…”

[16bitCaRR0t: Y M I MAKING IDS FOR THESE JERKS!??!?!?!1111!!!!]

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