Chapter 18: The Arbiter of Noise

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The strange video appeared on every social network at roughly 3AM. Within twenty minutes of its posting, the evacuation sirens rang out throughout Tsubasa City... not that they were necessary. After the last days of terrorist activity, the appearance of a divine being instructing them to seek guaranteed safety was taken at face value.

The camera appeared shaky at first, focusing on a purple haired man with white wings wearing traditional white jinbaori. "Nasu-san, just look over here!"

He cringed as he heard the words, but his eyes focused towards the viewer's screen.

"Humans of Tsubasa City... it is I... your...'Samurai Angel'".

He coughed loudly. "That... isn't accurate... I am in fact a Seruva..."

"Ah, Nasu-san, just give em' the warning!"

As Kiyoteru carried his duffle bag through the crowds marching to the nearest shelter, he heard the sounds of a child crying. "Mama, papa, where are you!?"

Kiyoteru finally spotted the source of the sounds - a little brunette girl with pigtails, wearing a red nightgown and hastily-thrown on sneakers. He recognized her at once. "Kaai-chan!"

The sobbing girl smiled through her tears as she saw him and ran towards her teacher. "Hiyama-sensei!"

"Did you get separated from your parents?" he asked.

She nodded her head.

"Well, I'm sure they're waiting for you in the shelter," he said in his most comforting voice, "Why don't we go together? I'm certain we'll find them when we arrive."

As he entered the tunnels, Yuki's hand tightly clutching his, he spied a woman with wings. Her long white hair tinged with pink towards the bottom, she clutched an elaborate golden lance.

"Your city is in grave danger. Tonight war will reach its boundaries, a war between twisted members of my race... and the humans who've hurt us."

His face appeared stern. "But do not be afraid. I've brought help to ensure every one of you is safe."

As he spoke, several people with white wings moved into the frame with him. "If you evacuate to your shelters, my people shall meet you there and protect you from all harm."

"IA, you made it!"


The white haired girl greeted her purple-haired classmate as the girl rushed over to her in the crowded shelter. "Man, you sure took off in a hurry... everyone's going nuts about the Samurai Angel!"

IA looked wistful. "He was in my dream when I was captured..." she said dreamily, "I'm certain he saved me then too."

She looked to the white haired boy with wings at the entrance, his hand firmly on his sword and his eyes forward and scanning for threats. Though he appeared somewhat apprehensive, when he glanced into the room, his eyes met hers for just a moment. "What's your name?" she asked.

The boy hesitated for a moment. He looked so young... "I am Piko."

IA gave him a trusting smile. "Thank you for protecting us, Piko."

"For a long time, we feared your kind. Even I was frightened of humanity."

He smiled in spite of the danger he spoke of. "But... my time amongst your kind has revealed to me that human lives are worth protecting."

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