Chapter 15: Soar

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Oliver kept a hand to his earpiece as he delivered orders.  "Remember.  If any Seruva show up... taking them in is only a secondary goal.  Taking them out is more important.  Try to hang back and let the Herald fight first."

"Come now Oliver, I'm anxious to try out the new arms!  Can't I just take a few warning swipes?"

He tapped his fingers on the desk.  "Flower wants as much data on her new tool as she can get.  Make sure she doesn't get broken."

He swallowed hard.  "If anyone from Mystery Squad shows up, no matter who they are, don't let them escape.  You don't get chem requisitions this time so... if they show up... do not kill them."

"Aww, listen to Ollie, he's still such a softie.  Don't worry, we'll make you proud of us!"

As the boy's thoughts turned to his siblings, he hoped their last encounter had taught them to stay out of the way... to protect themselves...

... something he realized likely hadn't happened as the door to his office burst open, Mirror containment troops rushing inside.  Oliver took a few quick swipes at his key board before putting his hands up as guns raised in his general direction.

"You've been keeping secrets, Oliver."

For the first time in almost three years... Oliver found himself face to face with his father.  Leon Heart.

The older man brushed his blonde hair out of his eyes.  "You had a very specific job Oliver.  Contain the Noise experiments, and keep the FX Units under control."

The boy clenched his fists but remained silent under his father's icy gaze.  "You were not supposed to be interfering with Project Gemini."

"... you could at least have the decency to use your children's names, father."

Leon failed to take the bait.  "Confiscate his equipment, let IT recover as much as we can.  As for you, my boy..."

Oliver smirked.  "You can't silence me mid-operation.  Big Al and Sweet Ann don't take orders from anyone but me."

"Oh... that's not going to be a problem anymore, Ollie dear!"

Mayu's infuriating giggle pierced the air as the blonde scientist bounced forward.

Miku tried to control the scooter as she zipped through the Tsubasa City streets.  The waves of Dark Notes kept clawing at her, trying to amplify her feelings - this time, of hatred.  A difficult problem, because Miku had so many people to hate right now.

Kaito's calm voice on the back of the scooter helped her keep herself together.  This would hopefully be a simple assignment... but not one of the Vocaloids had seen nor heard from Neru since her capture by Mirror.

And right now, she really hated Mirror.

As she grew closer to the tower, she jammed on her brakes as rows of stopped cars blocked her progress.  "Oh come on, rush hour?!" she grumbled.

"Miku... they're unconscious!  Look!"

Miku followed Kaito's outstretched hand to the windows of a nearby sedan.  A woman lay slumped over the steering wheel in her vehicle, a black aura closing in around her body.  Darting her head to a stopped truck, the driver was laying back in his seat, mumbling to himself.  Even on the sidewalks, she could find children and teenagers on the ground, their discarded bikes lying on the pavement.

Miku hopped off the scooter.  "Guess we'll just have to hoof the last mile... ugh... I don't suppose you've got any spells to help with that?"

Kaito laughed in spite of the danger.  "As a matter of fact... yes."

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