Chapter 14: Infinite Loop

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He'd flown through the endless abyss of the veil so many times as a Spirit Caller.  Gliding in the space beyond death, eagerly seeking the words of those who came before him.  Ferrying their proclamations and advice back dutifully.

Now he felt the sensation of being dragged through it by dark tendrils, trying to fight back against the pounding, scraping, rasping force pulling him further and further.  The point of death was to rest, but how could he ever rest?  Had they ever rested?  Did every one of those he'd fought suffer like this, dragged along and plunged into the abyss, only to be spat out as something new and different?

He tried to cling to everything he was as it tried to wrench him apart.  If he failed, he would truly become a menace...

For moments at a time he became aware that even as he was in the void fighting for the right to continue existing, someone was with him, trying to comfort him and promise him safety.  How desperately he wanted to reach out to that person and tell them he heard them, but the Noise poured down his throat, drowning out his voice...

Miku jumped as Kaito suddenly lurched forward off the air mattress, trying to crawl around on the floor.  "Kaito!?  Kaito, can you hear me!?"

Though Kaito's lips moved as if he spoke, nothing but the horrible static noises escaped his lips.  His eyes remained empty and unfocused.  Finally he fell to the floor, flailing his arms and legs, as if there were something he was trying to pull off of him.  At once, Miku was at his side, trying to restrain him before he hurt himself.  Finally the fit seemed to pass and his body fell limp.  She could still hear his panicked but clear breaths, giving her reassurance that no matter how he suffered... he still lived.

She seethed with anger as she tried to imagine who did this to him.  First Gakupo, now Kaito?!  Well, they'd certainly regret crossing her if they ever met...

Maybe she just wanted something to fight to deal with how powerless she felt right now.  She loved Kaito... but loving him wouldn't be nearly enough.

Once she was sure Kaito wasn't about to jump up at her, she carefully picked him up and lay him along the mattress again.  In Gumi's windowless "base", it was hard to recall that daylight had long since risen.  No matter how badly Miku yearned for sleep, fear of drifting off only to lose Kaito as she slumbered consumed her.  Her friends weren't resting – so why should she?

Rin never thought she'd walk this road ever again.  She and Len had happily turned their backs on the Hearts and the sour memories of their childhood home years ago.  Secluded from most of the neighborhood, the modest house stood as a paradox to the personal wealth of its owners.  'It's not like they were ever really home though... it just needed to be enough for them to crash and... for their children to have a place to sleep...'

She never wanted to go back either.  The memories were too unpleasant.  But just the thought of losing another "big brother" drove her forward.  A little unpleasantness meant nothing as long as she could return her dear Kaito-niisan safe and sound.  As she and Len approached the wrought iron gates, she punched in the familiar code and crossed her fingers that they hadn't changed it...

The gate trembled and separated, allowing the intruders access.  "Awww... I was hoping I could hack it!" Gumi whined.

"Focus on hacking their CCTV first," Len said, "I mean they'll probably guess it's us, but it wouldn't be cool if they saw us using our powers and stuff."

Rin was going to ransack her old house and find out anything she could.  As much as she feared learning the truth about herself in there... better than the awful thoughts she kept cooking up in her head.  And at least she had Len with her – she could always count on her brother.

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