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The Vocaloids had gathered backstage in the green room, the entire room vibrating with the energy of their first successful performance and their surprise happy reunion. Rin had her arms clamped around Kaito's waist in a happy hug. "AHHHH! Kaito-niisan, you should have told us you were coming! You were so cool though, surprising Miku like it was part of the show and everything!"

Miku had so many things she needed to say, wanted to say... but she held back. After all, this was a reunion for all of them. She dared hope that Kaito's appearance tonight meant he was staying for good...

Kaito happily patted the top of Rin's head. "I apologize for how sudden it was... I didn't have any way to contact you though... and until all the meetings concluded, the Japanese officials didn't approve of us making our presence known either. Things were so delicate... nobody outside of a small circle of officials even knew I was here."

Miku wondered why Luka and Gakupo were giving each other such knowing looks on that sentence.

"Gotta say Kaito, never expected you to try and one-up Gakupo like that!" Len laughed, "Did he teach you how to be a giant ham too!?"

"Eh? What do you mean?" Kaito said in surprise.

Luka tossed a sly glance at her partner. "Someone thought my performance needed a little extra touch..."

"Hmph, they clearly appreciated it... I don't think I did anything wrong by catering to our fans..."

Clearly the samurai had no shame for his attention grabbing behavior. He began to wrap his arms around Luka, who leaned into him. "Ah... what am I to do with you? Truly, a spotlight calls my warrior far more loudly than a battlefield!"

'Sempai, you really landed a smooth talker...' Miku thought to herself as the couple seemed to once more lose track of everyone around them.

"Rin-chaaaaaaaan! Len-kuuuuuuuun!" "We're coming, dearies!"

Kaito's entire body went rigid as a familiar pair of voices rang out, accompanied by two sets of thundering footsteps. "AH! Kaito, I totally forgot to tell you but..."

Miku didn't even get to finish her explanation before the door practically flew off of its hinges and Kaito jumped away from Rin out of reflex. Tromping through the doorway was Big Al and Sweet Ann, both looking angry enough to start a fight. Miku heard Kaito sing a few defensive notes before Rin and Len rushed between them.

"Al-niichan, Ann-neesan! It's okay, this is Kaito-niisan! I told you all about him, remember? He came to join us in the show!"

The duo looked momentarily surprised... then embarrassed. "Oh, so YOU'RE Kaito!" Big Al said, laughing jovially as he approached Kaito and clapped one of his large hands on the startled Seruva's shoulder, "No WONDER Oliver was telling not to worry about you! But truly, you gave us such a start hopping onto the stage like that and approaching Miss Miku!"

Ann laughed as she gave Rin a soft hug. "We can't be too careful around our little sister and brother, right? So many dangerous people in the world!"

"Yea... but you two still need to stop glaring at every poor dope that comes within ten feet of us!" Len scolded, "Scale it back a little! We're not kids you know!"

As Big Al left the still shaking Kaito and returned to his partner, Miku saw her opportunity arise. She sidled over next to Kaito, whispering in his ear.

"Oliver managed to turn up all their parts after Meiko tore them up... he finally managed to revive the two of them a few months ago..."

Rin and Len were happily entertaining "Big Sweet" with stories about the concert. "They didn't even recognize me..." Kaito said quietly.

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