Act I

13 1 0

I finished the sentence and timidly moved away to check my letter. I didn't make any mistakes, right? I checked the punctuation, am I supposed to put a comma there? I don't think so... I erased it with care, there were no eraser marks left. This should be good.

I grinned at myself, this is going great! I will definitely steal it, he is no match to me. My ability is way better than his... probably. No, it has to be. I am definitely stronger! I can't wait to see the surprise and awe in his face when he sees my ability, this is so much fun!

"Ihh-hihihihi!" I started cackling to myself without even realizing. I probably sounded like crazy, but I wasn't. I was just happy, this was going to be so much fun!

Just as I was giggling, I heard a knock on the door. It was big bro.

"Hey bro. We're having someone over, you don't need to come out if you don't want to." He said with a gentle smile and half-lidded eyes.

Whenever he says we're having someone over, it's mostly a girl he's interested in. It was fine, I was used to it by now. He can have his fun.

When he says, "you don't have to come out if you don't want to" it's the same thing as, "don't come out if you don't have to, please". This was an unspoken bro-code between us.

I grinned, exposing my teeth which were sharper than they were supposed to, and replied, "It's fine, I'll stay here."

He looked thankful for my thoughtfulness, bowed his head, and silently closed the door behind him. I've never seen someone who has multiple girls over on a week be so gentle with everyone. I've never heard him yelling, not even once. He definitely didn't inherit dad's intolerance.

A shining light sparked next to my bed. The little sparks quickly formed my new friend.

"How's it going?"

"It's great! Wanna see?" I smiled at him and showed the letter with a proud smirk. He read it closely.

"Put a comma here," he pointed at where I had erased the comma before. I frowned at myself and listened to him.

After I was done correcting with his guidance, he spread his fingers out. The lines on his stretched palm glowed orange. Beams of light emitted from the cracks in his palm, and sticked themselves into the letter. There was now an orange lined design on the sheet of paper. He took an envelope from his vest's pocket, and held it next to the letter. The letter left my hand and gravitated towards the envelope on its own. The envelope closed around the letter and orange strings rose from within. They gathered around the front, forming a knot of light.

"This should do it." He said, letting me grab the floating letter.

"Do ya think it will work?" I grinned.

"I'm not sure... It will be more than enough if we get the location arranged." He sat on the bed. His heavy boots made a loud sound as his hat tilted in front of his orange eyes.

It's easy to get the location! We will do this easily. He has no chance if this old-fashioned wild west fella and I join forces! A cowboy and a jester working together, huh?

"Ihhihihihihihi!" I giggled at the thought. He fixed his hat and flashed his bright eyes, he was also grinning. This will be truly amusing!

Jester's Card

Friday - 7th of February

The tomorrow of the weirdest day of my life. I still couldn't believe what happened yesterday, but it was true. An Angel had come to me and said he wanted to be friends. I got a little emotional, no one has ever told me that they wanted to be my best friend using words, including Liz.

I felt something I wasn't used to. It's like something was calling for me, waiting for my permission. I allowed it and he appeared before me, floating casually.

"Hey! What's up?" He asked cheerfully.

"Nothing much. I'm better than usual, I got a nice sleep for once." I replied with a small laugh.

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