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In front of me stood a dark room, my dark room. A room barely visible thanks to the black candles I lit. Some might call my office spooky or haunted, but it is not true. My office is just a limbo between the reality and the afterlife, and I am the translator for mere humans who do not understand.

I smiled as I grabbed a dusty book from my shelf; this book was one of its finest, a grimoire. I already read it multiple times, but I just cannot stop myself.

I wonder who I will meet today. I love seeing pathetic souls in need for a connector of the afterlife and the overworld such as me. I don't even need them to pay me, I just want to see the regret and the longing in their eyes.

My power isn't related to my specialty, uncommonly. However, I don't even need a power. As long as I have what she left for me, I will be more than enough. Ah, I think of her again, my emotions fill up my heart once again as a noble blue surrounds my dark office.

My sister would be proud of me.


Sunday - 23rd of February

It's been a while since anyone's tried to attack me. Not that I complain... Ragnar had called us to his house today to talk more about June and Giselle. Arnkel was also there, he also knew everything, but he wasn't as involved as Ragnar. I couldn't deny he was smart, he had interesting opinions. I didn't talk a lot even though I was, using Dustin's words, "the protagonist". I was enjoying the coffee Ragnar made as the four of them talked until Liz suddenly jumped in her seat.

"Oh, I know! We should go see that one fortune-teller!" She clapped her hands in excitement.

"A... fortune-teller?" Ragnar didn't seem to like that idea.

"Yeah! I mean, it would help us figure out where Ag'thomuun is hiding, right?" Liz said.

"How could a normal human possibly know where someone's hiding using magic? That's just unrealistic," said Ragnar.

"Hey! Haven't we seen people use literal magic? How do you know if fortune telling is fake?!"

"I'm assuming you've seen one and they were spot on, that's why you're so sure of yourself, correct? When did you visit one last?" Ragnar wasn't hiding his unemotional self from Liz anymore, but she wasn't phased.

"Well... yeah... I saw one a couple days ago, after June attacked us."

"Understandable," he sipped his coffee. "If one saw a pig fly, they would think all pigs could do that."

"What does that mean?" Dustin asked.

"Imagine Adrin as a flying pig; if he can stop time, couldn't anyone?"

"Umm... I don't know, probably."

"No, all pigs aren't the same. Arnkel and you can sing well, but I can't; that means I can't fly, but it doesn't mean I am not a pig."

Dustin still looked confused, maybe the pig analogy wasn't a good choice for him. Arnkel tried to save Dustin, "He's saying that all humans are different. Adrin is the only person who can stop time, that means he's a special person. I think Zack's thinking that the fortune-teller you visited is also a host, right?"

Ragnar silently nodded his head, "No human could possibly see into the future without magic or trickery. If it's magic, then I am right about them being a host; but if it's trickery, then I will enjoy exposing their tactics. What did he say to you, Liz?"

"He said I'll have a special connection to souls in the future, and that I should be careful. He scried something yellow like the sun, and gray like a rhino."

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