Act VI

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I ran away as fast as I could. I had lost my shoes at some point, the muddy path and the stones were tormenting my feet. I looked back, nobody was coming! They hadn't realized we escaped! I wanted to cry out of happiness, but I was crying in pain and fear.

"Are you tired yet?" Lana asked.

"I'm fine for now..."

She smiled and kept running with me. She could smile even in a situation like this, she really is my heroine. The jet-black lane was making me afraid all the more. But Lana was with me, so I wasn't scared.

"Should we turn right already? Do you think we will be seen?" she asked with ragged breaths.

"I'm not sure... Let's just try, I can hide us if we get caught."

Lana grabbed my hand and intertwined her fingers with mine. We took a right turn, heading towards the road. After the trees were left behind, we were free. We had finally escaped that horrible place called home.

"You lost your shoes too? It hurts to run without them..." I said while looking around.

"It's fine! I can carry you if you want." she replied with a happy face.

"No, thanks."

"So? What should we do now? We escaped the orphanage, but we don't have parents or a home..." Lana said, looking around constantly to make sure nobody was coming.

"Should we find a home? Money doesn't matter."

"But... If adults see us, they will ask where our parents are..."

I smiled and snapped my fingers. A teal light flashed, and two people appeared next to us. They were now our parents.

"You can do that too?! You are amazing!" She hugged me recklessly as I giggled.

We walked on the road together. We didn't care that it was cold outside, nor did we care about our bare feet. We were just happy that we had escaped that prison, together.

This road wasn't used often, according to Lana. Some cars passed by, but they couldn't see us as I enveloped us into nothingness with my ability.

The moon was more beautiful than before. It shone upon us as we held hands together. We, two little girls, were going to take care of ourselves.


Thursday - 20th of February

I was searching for a teal shirt when my phone vibrated. "Are you coming out yet?" It was Dustin, was he outside? My dad was asleep, Simon had left for school. I decided to ignore the text, he could wait if he was outside.

After grabbing my bag, I rushed outside. Dustin really was there, waiting with his hands in his pockets. Today was rather cold, but it was still sunny. I saw him breathing out mist.

"What's up?" He said casually.

"I'm fine, I guess..."

I started walking to school with him. He had his usual black coat on. A white t-shirt under it, and black pants. His boots made heavy sounds as he followed my lead.

"It sure is cold today, eh?" He said. "Won't you freeze with those on? You only have a shirt and a jacket."

"I like cold," I said.

"You really are the Dazzling Star, I guess," he said. I wasn't sure if it was a compliment or sarcasm.

"I don't even wanna know what that means... By the way, you were really impressive yesterday."

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