Act II

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I closed the door behind me and sighed. I was finally alone with her, I have been waiting all day for this.

"You're late," I heard her say behind the only wall that separated us. I looked up at the ceiling, I'm sure she was doing the same thing.

"I'm sorry... They didn't leave me alone."

"You could've asked them to," she giggled with her cute voice as we watched the same ceiling.

"You're right, but you know," she knows how important my reputation is. Even though my status is the only obstacle between us, she respects it.

"I know. So, what have you been up to?"

"Nothing much..."

"You've heard it, right?"

She was talking about the Light of Time. We needed to go back to that day, that day when I ruined everything.

"I'll try to get it for us."

"Isn't that wrong? To steal someone else's power...?"

"It's not if we give it back to him after."

She let out a deep sigh, making me remember my stupidity of that day. Last year, at prom, I've done some things to her I had to rewind. Her family won't see me the same way ever again...

As though hearing my thoughts, she reached up, above the only wall that separated us. Her little hand and nails that were painted pink reached out to me. I smiled and lifted my hand up to hold hers, my hand was much bigger in comparison.

"I love you, you know that, right?" She squeezed my hand.

"I love you more," she giggled at me. Her contagious laugh caused me to laugh alongside.

We have been dating for almost 5 months now, but we both felt like it was longer than just a few months. Even when we weren't officially together, we were close like lovers. She was two years younger than me, our families were friends for a long time, we're childhood friends. I messed up last year and we hadn't talked for the whole summer, but at the start of this year, she came and said to me that she liked me. We started dating, but she is too anxious, therefore we hide it. I'm considerably popular and she doesn't like attention, so we have been meeting in secret like this.

Our relationship isn't approved by her parents because of what I did last year, but we couldn't just listen to our parents. Ours wasn't just some high school love, it was eternal and undying. That's why, I definitely had to rewind time for her.

Navies Blue

Wednesday - 12th of February

There has been a rugby tournament for a while now, today was the last match. Whitecrest's team was Navies Blue, I don't know nor care about the opponent team. Sports make me anxious. But here I am with Liz; sitting on the bleachers, watching the game. I would prefer having classes, literature especially. Actually, I don't want to have a literature class before talking with Ragnar in person. I want to tell him everything, he could help me a lot, but I promised Ad...

"I'm bored and it's so loud here. When will we go back?" She whined next to me, I replied with a shrug.

The audience roared after our team scored once again. I wasn't really watching, but you don't have to be a genius to understand that we were winning by a lot.

Our team's leader turned towards his crowd and spread his arms proudly. His teammates came behind him and they celebrated together. Perhaps the leader was carrying the team.

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