Act V

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The white hospital room hurt my eyes while I sat next to her bed. I held her hands as she lied there motionlessly. She had the gentlest smile on her face, but her eyes looked tired behind all her wrinkles. I felt like I should leave her alone to rest, but I knew she wanted me to stay.

"How was your day, sweetheart?"

Her voice broke my heart. She was okay just a week ago, now she was trapped in a hospital room.

"I'm great, Mama. What about you?"

I wasn't waiting for a good answer, her condition was apparent. Although, her smile only grew.

"Hahah, I'm just fine! How was school?"

"Like the usual..."

"Oh dear, those computers better be ready for your talent! You make grandma so proud, sweetheart"

I laughed along with her as she squeezed my hand. Papa didn't come to visit her since last week. Does he feel bad when he sees his wife like this? I could understand why.

"Hey, Mama..."

"Yes, dear?"

"When will you get better?"

"I'm sure I'll be back home soon, my legs don't even hurt anymore!"

She was lying. I already knew that she wouldn't be able to walk anymore. The doctors told me that she'll be crippled at best, or... dead... at worst. She just wanted me to stay happy. But how will I be happy when she is bound to a wheelchair because of me?

"Do you not believe me? Why do you look like that?"

Tears started forming at some point. I don't have a choice but to do it... do I? I have to listen to my Light, and steal the gem from the painter guy... With Mama's every attempt to keep me in high spirits, my determination rose.

I erased the tears and pensiveness from my face. With a newly formed, loving smile, I said, "Don't worry, Mama. I'm sure you will be back home soon."


Tuesday - 18th of February

"Yesterday was crazy!" Dustin said as he tried to catch up with me. "You did amazing against that baloney demon!"

I chuckled, "Balam? I was doing okay until his bear tried to step on me."

"Nooo, you were so cool," he grinned like an idiot. (But in a good way.) "You taunted him and all. Taunting a demon king needs bravery."

"I mean, he wasn't actually a demon king apparently. It was just a decoy by a host, according to Ragnar, so that's probably why I wasn't petrified."

"I don't think so. You are more courageous than you think."


"Where's Liz, by the way?"

"She told me to come here on my own, she would be a little late."

We walked to the faculty room to meet with Ragnar. We were going to go to the computer rooms after school, but we wanted to confirm that he was joining us. Ragnar can't fight in any way. Dustin is physically strong at least, and I have a Light which makes me powerful. Even though that, he was able to uncover the Balam illusion yesterday. He could even be stronger than me, who knows.

He wasn't inside. I was going to leave after I didn't see him there, but Dustin went inside instead.

"Hey, Miss Parlor! Did you see Holgersson by any chance?" He said with a sweet voice.

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