Act IV

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"I'm back," Arnkel walked into the room with two cups of coffee in his hands. "Are you still doing that?"

"Of course I am; I don't have anything more important than this."

"You are a teacher, you know? You have students." He put the cup on he table, next to my papers. "I understand that this is very important, but don't forget about your real job."

I didn't reply as my hand moved at a fast pace, writing everything on my mind to the papers. I wrote everything I could think of. Human mind is forgetful, I can preserve my thoughts like this.

"Your writing always amazes me," he took a sip from his coffee as he skimmed over the papers.

"The speed or the font?"

He chuckled, "Both."

"I wonder what he meant here... It could contradict this statement if you thought about it."

"Hm? Which one?"

"This line," I pointed at it with my finger as he read it. "Doesn't it look strange?"

"It looks normal to me..."

"Of course it does," I sighed. It was nice being around someone who doesn't judge or misunderstand me for being emotionless, but it's annoying that he doesn't understand me completely. Maybe I'm just asking for too much.

"This is the third time you suspected Adnachiel's statements, are you sure you are objective?" He gave me a half-sarcastic smile.

"I am always objective."

"Sure you are," he chuckled and hit my shoulder. He stood up after that, grabbing his coffee before leaving.

"Where are you going?"

"To the basement."

"What for? Your friends aren't here, you don't need to go to your frat house."

"My friends aren't there, but my instruments are. Also, stop calling it a frat house."

"But it looks like one. I shouldn't have let you design there on your own, it looks like a college student lives there."

"You can't tell me you don't have fun down there."

"Your friends are too noisy."

"Maybe you are too quiet," Arnkel scratched his head.

"I sense that you're getting angrier," I said without looking at him. "I'm sorry if I said the wrong lines."

"It's fine... Just don't act like you aren't also human. You might be different from us, but you are still made of flesh and bones."

I looked at him this time, "Uncle didn't say so, did he? He said I was no different from a robot."

"That's because you pissed him off... multiple times."

"Psychiatrists aren't supposed to be pissed, especially against their patients."

"A tactful patient isn't supposed to try to piss his doctor off, Zack."

"I was just testing him, nobody was able to endure me as much as Uncle, excluding you. It's not my fault if he's unsuitable for his job."

"You were testing the compatibility of him and his job as a seven year old kid?"

"Would you expect anything less from me?"

He sighed, "Not really... Whatever, just don't go crazy with trying to nitpick what others say, okay?" He pointed at the papers I was writing on.

"Don't go crazy over playing the drums, then. You'll faint again."

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