Act X

8 1 0

Sunday - 23rd of February

After we departed, I separated ways. It sucks that I live away from them, I wish my house was a bit nearer. It was getting late, the sun was barely illuminating the sky.

Just then, I heard a sound behind me. I was sure someone was there, I heard their footsteps, but they were fast. Before I could turn around, a strong arm wrapped around my shoulder. I didn't know what was happening, but I didn't panic; I acted like I panicked.

I grabbed the arm and tried to get it away as another one ensnared me. This one held a piece of cloth, it was forced on my nose. Great, someone's trying to force me to sniff ether and faint. Well, I'm smarter than that.

I held my breath as I acted like I was scared and struggling. But before long, I stopped moving as though I lost consciousness. I was still holding my breath when the two arms picked me up. Luckily, the person trying to kidnap me wasn't the smartest, he didn't even check if my breathing was still or not. After I stopped struggling, he just threw me over his shoulder.

As he walked with me over his shoulder, I silently opened my eyes to track the way. He took a right, and then a left... He didn't even try to be sneaky about anything, what an idiot! What if someone on the street saw him? I almost wanted to tell him to at least go through the woods, but I had to act asleep.

After a disappointingly easy-to-remember way, he entered an apartment building and knocked on a door. I closed my eyes again.

"Hey stud," a woman said from the indoors. "You got her? She does looks pretty."

I felt a fingernail touch my cheeks as the man said, "I saw her on the street, I think she was on her way home."

What the hell does that mean?! I don't know who these people were, but I knew playtime was over. It was fun acting fainted and all, but this is getting serious. Were these two freaks following me or something? It sounds like they know who I am...

They lied me on a bed and locked the door before leaving, I think they went into the living room to talk. I finally opened my eyes and sat up on the bed. Thankfully, it wasn't creaky.

To sum up the situation; I was kidnapped by a fairly strong man who brought me to where appears to be his house. There is also a woman here, I don't know what she looks like. The apartment looks new, I remembered the man having an expensive cologne on as well. I think my uncle has the same perfume.

I should probably escape this place. I looked around the room: the bed I lied on, a desk with a chair in front of it, a wardrobe. There was a window as well, but it was boarded up with wood. It looked really out of place in this new apartment. The door is locked, they'll probably hear me even if I try to unlock it with my hairpin. This is a predicament I'm in, eh?

Just as I was sighing in frustration, something caught my eye. The desk didn't have anything on it before, but... now it had a fancy envelope.

"Is this for me?" I thought to myself and grabbed it. It certainly wasn't there before, and there was no way for someone to put it here in this locked room... Unless...

I grabbed it as my eyes went wide. The neon pink, decorative lines on the envelope supported my theory. I ripped the paper as silently as possible and took its contents out. It said exactly what I expected it to say, this was a letter of deal from a Light.

I had to quickly write my three wishes, but there wasn't anything I could write with. I also didn't know the Light's specialty. You don't need to know your Light's specialty to make a wish, but if you are spot on like Adrin, it would make you stronger.

LusterOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora