Robin X

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Summary: After experimenting with Zynothium to make his Red X suit, Robin realizes that it may have affected him in more ways than one.

[Pre-Apprentice Arc]


It started out as a mild cold that he could easily dismiss. After all, he hadn't been sleeping much, and his mind was stressed to the max after his failure to trick Slade with his Red X charade. So it was no surprise that his immune system wasn't exactly up to par, but that didn't stop Robin from pushing himself anyway.

Unfortunately, his cold began to grow worse, and his friends were staring to take notice. They didn't say anything at first, just casted worried glances his way when they thought he wasn't looking. But when he slept in past nine o'clock for the first time since, well, ever, they decided that they should probably check up on him. Before they could do this, however, someone needed to wake the teen wonder up. And they all knew that the young bat's reflexes could incapacitate anyone that startled him.

"No way, dude," Beast Boy denied furiously, "You couldn't pay me to go into his room."

"Well, I'm not going in there either," Cyborg argued, even though it was his idea in the first place.

Raven casted a half-hearted glance out of her novel towards the bickering males, "We all know Robin hasn't been feeling good these past few days. Just let the guy sleep in for a change. He needs it more than anyone."

"Raven is right," Starfire agreed, though her face was still full of concern, but her worried attitude lifted, as a thought filled her mind, "I shall prepare him the Tamaranean pudding of health and give it to him when he awakens! Then he shall be back to his usual self again!" she cheered and flew off towards the kitchen. No one had the heart to tell her that whatever concoction she was making would probably kill the sick bird.

Just as the team began to get back to their normal routine, the fifth and final member padded into the room.

"Morning, team," Robin yawned and stretched his arms, "How late did I sleep in?"

"It's a quarter till ten," Cyborg informed him, "You doing okay, man? You're not looking so hot."

It was true. The normally well put together teen looked the most disheveled they had ever seen him. He hadn't even bothered to put on his uniform, but had opted for a pair of black sweats and a loose white t-shirt. His hair lacked its typical spiky appearance, and instead hung down in a slightly curly mess. The fact he was wearing neither gloves nor shoes added to theory that he literally just got out of bed. The only thing that reminded them that the boy before them was still Robin was the black and white domino mask hiding his identity.

"Sorry, guys. Just feeling a bit put out today. I think I'm coming down with something."

"Obviously," Raven deadpanned just loud enough for the others to hear. The Titan leader rolled his eyes in a playful way.

"Robin! You have awakened from your slumber!" Starfire's cherry voice exclaimed as she flew out of the kitchen with a large bowl in hand. The alien princess quickly shoved the dish into the teen wonder's arms as she explained, "I have made you the Tamaranean pudding of health. Eat, and you shall regain your strength so that you may once again do the kicking of the butt!"

"Gee, thanks, Star," he replied hesitantly, "but I really don't need—Ah! Achoo!"

Now, it's natural to expect a sick person to sneeze. What they didn't expect was for Robin to vanish from where he was standing only to reappear above the kitchen table. Gravity took over, and he crashed through the table and landed in a heap of broken wood and what was leftover from breakfast.

A distant and scratchy "Ow" echoed back to the awestruck Titans.

"Dude! What was that?!"

Starfire flew to her friend's aid and lifted the boy wonder into a sitting position. Robin groaned and rubbed his head. All he wanted to do at that moment was lay down on the couch, too tired to make the trip back to his bedroom. A hot sensation covered his skin, and suddenly he was on the couch.

"What?" was all he managed to say before he grunted from the force of a pounding headache...and from the pain of rolling off said couch and landing on the floor.

"Uh, mind explaining how you just did that?" Cyborg more or less demanded as he stood in front of his leader. While his tone sounded sharp, Robin could easily read the worry in his non-cybernetic eye.

"I don't know," he whispered and shook his head, "I just wanted to sit on the couch, and the next thing I know, I'm here."

"Friend Robin, are you the okay?" Starfire pleaded.

    "To be honest, Star, I have no idea."

   "Well then, let's get you down to the medbay and see what's up with ya?" Cyborg suggested. Robin nodded.

    "Medbay. Right," he acknowledged before that same hot sensation dulled his other senses. His muscles contorted out of reflex in order to dodge a metal tray full of various medical instruments and sensitive equipment, forcing him to land on the cold, hard tile of the bay floor.

    "Oof," he let out belatedly and chose to simply remain on the floor until further notice. What is up with me today? he thought and ran a hand over his face.

     "He's in here!" Raven's voice called out from the open doorway. Black magic encased the teen wonder and lifted him on to the medical bed a few feet away.

     "You all right?" she asked flatly, her fingertips glowing white in case she needed to heal any unseen injury.

    "I feel fine right now. Thanks, Rae. But I still don't know how I was able to do that."

     By the time he had finished his sentence, the other heroes had rushed into the room.

   "Dude!" Beast Boy panted, "What's with the crazy vanishing act?"

   Robin shrugged, "I honestly don't know, BB."

  "We might need to do some blood tests," Cyborg nodded thoughtfully. Robin shrugged but allowed his friend to collect a sample. Starfire hugged her arm in a concerned yet wondering way.

   "Robin, does not your Red X suit grant a similar ability to disappearing and reappearing?"

   The name made everyone, especially Robin, flinch. His mistake was fresh in everyone's minds, and he wished with all his heart that he never even considered the idea. She did have a point though, and he wasn't the only one that realized.

    "What did you use to power the suit?" Raven asked flatly.

   Robin hung his head, knowing full well his answer would cause an outburst, "Zynothium."

   As predicted, Cyborg, Starfire, and Raven exploded. Beast Boy was just confused.

     "What?! Man, tell me your joking!" Cyborg yelled, "Do you have any idea how unstable that stuff is?!"

    "Yes, but it fulfilled its purpose at the time," Robin snapped back with his arms crossed.

    "Where did you even get the supply?" Raven inquired.

    "I may have...persuaded a known dealer to give me what I needed."

   Four pairs of eyes narrowed at him, but he shrugged them off. None of them had anything on the bat-glare.

    Before more words could be exchanged, the computer beeped, drawing their attention as the results of the test filled the screen.

     Cyborg deadpanned, "Well, that explains why your DNA has merged with Zynothium. Robin, I think you have powers."


A/N: Okay, so I'm actually considering making this a full book. Please review and tell me if I should and what you think of it so far!

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