In Sync (Part 2: In Your Dreams)

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The rooftop scene the four Titans were originally in changed to a barren wasteland. Stony plateaus and rocky outcrops stretched as far as the eye could see, and the night sky was full of stars, shining at full display with the absence of the moon.

"I do not recognize this place," Starfire began, "I have never seen such emptiness on earth before. Where are we?"

"I don't know, Star," Cyborg replied, "But if what Control Freak said is true, then Robin and Slade should appear any minute."

    "This place feels wrong," Raven added, "It doesn't feel like earth. It feels more like a spirit realm."

"But when did Robin and Slade ever fight in a spirit world?" Cyborg asked. Beast Boy pointed ahead.

"Uh, guys, I think I found them."

Two silhouettes flitted across rocky outcrops, and the four metas quickly followed after them. As Robin and Slade leapt from plateau to plateau, the Titans got a vague sense of deja vu. The chase continued for several moments as they soared over the deep chasms Slade and Robin and no issue leaping over until they reached their final destination.

It was a lone plateau with a ring of stones standing in a circle of columns. Slade was the first to jump and reach it, and Robin easily followed, landing in a roll to prevent fall damage.

The Titans watched as their leader scanned the ring, searching for his longtime rival, who had vanished into one of the many shadows of the night. They didn't have to wait long, as Slade appeared from behind the stone column directly in front of the Boy Wonder.

"Dangerous behavior, Robin," Slade purred in a way that made the metas' skin crawl. The two-toned assassin stalked forward, "You must be very eager to see me. I'm flattered."

Robin held his body in a defense position as he replied, "I'm not here to see you. I'm here to stop you."

The two enemies circled each other, lightly kicking up the dust from their careful footwork. As he rounded a column, Slade hummed thoughtfully in a mocking manner.

"Hmm, but how can you stop me, when you don't even know what I'm planning?"

Robin's face contorted into a determined scowl, "Like this," and he made the first move, charging forward with a roundhouse kick that missed Slade's mask by mere inches as he moved out of the way.

Robin attempted to punch him, but the mercenary sidestepped him, and the teen drove his fist into one of the columns instead. He gave no cry of pain but remained focused on his enemy. He leaped up to land another kick, but Slade ducked, forcing him to flip and recover his footing. Robin back away as Slade tried a kick of his own, but it seemed neither of them could land a solid hit on the other.

At one point, the teen tried another punch, but Slade grabbed it, and the Titans feared that it would be a repeat of what happened on the rooftops. But instead of knocking the air out of him, Slade flipped him and sent him flying toward one of the columns.

In an impressive display of agility, Robin used the momentum to flip and kick back on the column with his feet, ricocheting off of it and launching himself back at his target.

Slade twisted out of the way of an incoming fist, and Robin punched the column where the man's head used to be in front of. Without pause, Robin spun into a high kick, missing once again and hitting a third pillar, a yell of rage escaping his lips as Slade kept moving out of the way at just the right moment. Robin punched again, and the fourth pillar gave a sickening crack. He tried again with the same result, but the Titans noticed something.

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