Class Discussion

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Summary: Robin has been enrolled into Hive Academy by Slade. Today's discussion is about the identity of a certain thief, and Robin has some explaining to do.

    "I still don't get it," Jinx grumbled, "Red X used to be so cool, but now he's just another thief. What happened?"

   Robin slouched lower in his desk. He was at the point where he would rather be back training with Slade than sitting in another one of these classes, especially today.

    "That is an excellent question," their teacher, a horrid looking woman Robin couldn't remember the name of, replied and turned to the class, "and I think I shall open this up for discussion. Do any of you have any ideas?"

   "Maybe something happened that caused him to loosen up?" See-More suggested, "A job gone wrong can change a villain."

    "He didn't use to talk so much," Mammoth observed.

    "And he's willing to change sides when it suits his own interests," Jinx added, "unlike before, when he wouldn't work with anyone. It's like he's a completely different person!"

    "Hey, that's a thought!" Gizmo piped up, "What if he is a different person?"

    "That certainly would explain a lot," their teacher mused, "Robin, you have been quiet today. What are your thoughts on the subject?"

Robin tightened his already crossed arms and slouched in his seat.

    "Don't care," he replied, grateful that his mask hid the panic in his eyes.

     "If I recall correctly," the woman continued, "you fought him several times during your time as a Titan. Surely you've noticed the difference? One must know their enemy."

  Oh she was definitely targeting him.

    "Like I said. I don't care."

  "Perhaps we should inform your master that you are refusing to participate?"

   At the mention of Slade, Robin and every other student in the room froze. The ebony teen out of a healthy fear for his newest mentor. His classmates out of adoring respect.

    "That...that won't be necessary," he mumbled, unclenching his arms and resting them on his desk.

    "Then I'll ask again. What do you know about Red X?"

     "That the one you all know isn't the original. He stole the suit and the name just like he steals everything else," he answered, his tone turning sharp—cutting, resentful. He knew the kid behind the mask. And he knew him well.

After a lot of research and reconnecting with some rather shady contacts before becoming a reluctant apprentice, Robin had found the identity of Red X. A part of him wished that he would have been more surprised to learn the snarky thief was just another bird flying the nest of a certain bat.

"How do you know that he stole it? Surely the original Red X would have fought to get it back."

"He tried, believe me," he mumbled, "but, from what I hear, they came to an agreement, and Red got to keep the suit."

    Everyone listening seemed to be fully invested in the former Boy Wonder's explanation. None of them had heard much about the mysterious thief, but the former hero seemed to have a lot of insider information. Information they should have since they were all villains with ties to Jump City's underground.

    "How would you know, bird brain?" Gizmo demanded, jealous that his spot as the teacher's pet could possibly be in jeopardy.

    "Do you know what kind of agreement they came to, Robin?" the teacher overruled. He smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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