The Briefcase

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Summary: Immediately following the events of "Revved Up," Robin reveals the contents of his most coveted briefcase.

"You don't have to do this, Robin. Some secrets are best kept that way," Raven stated, knowing better than anyone to respect another's privacy, especially if their leader was willing to risk so much for it.

    "Even from your best friends," Cyborg added, an understanding half-smile gracing his expression.

Robin's head lowered as he fingered the titanium case in his hands. He had fought so hard, raced dozens of villains, and even teamed up with Red X in order to win back what was stolen from him. In retrospect, he was shocked that the elusive thief had sided with him so easily.

"I used to believe that," he said slowly, "but not anymore."

The teen wonder knelt down on the asphalt and drew in a shaky breath as he entered in the encrypted passcode. His team had given up a lot for him over the years. It was time for him to give them something in return. He was done with the secrets.

Two distinct clicks were heard, and the Titans drew closer to see what was so valuable to Robin. The dark haired leader chuckled softly to himself.

"Like I told Red  X, it's only worth something to me."

A single photograph lay inside the briefcase, the edges rough from age and constant fingering. It was a picture of a family of three standing in a circus big top. The father was laughing as he held an arm around his petite wife, who held a hand to her lips to hide a giggle. His broad shoulders and thick black hair heavily contrasted her small frame and silky blond locks. Neither of their eyes were on whoever was taking the photo, but rather on a small boy grinning gleefully as he was being held by an elephant's truck wrapped around his middle. The child himself had the same ebony hair as his father, yet his eyes were a vibrant blue reminiscent of his mother. All three members of the happy family were wearing skintight performance outfits, though the little boy's was far more colorful. In fact, its color scheme matched that of the boy wonder's uniform.

"Robin," Starfire asked hesitantly, "who are the people in this picture?"

The smile their leader bore spoke volumes. It was filled with nostalgia and joy, but it was also laced with pain.

"That's my family, Star, or at least, it was...before I lost them."

The Tamaranean did not seem to comprehend his words, "Lost?" she asked quizzically, "But how can you lose someone so close to you? We can certainly find them if we tried!"

"No, it's not like that," he cut in, "When I say 'lost' it means that they aren't alive anymore. They're dead, Star."

      "Dude," Beast Boy breathed. All of the Titan's, except Robin's. eyes widened in silent agreement.

Starfire lifted her hands to her lips, losing her ability to fly as tears flowed freely down her cheeks. Without warning, she drew the boy wonder into a tight hug.

"Oh, Robin!" she sobbed, as if those words alone expressed everything she was feeling.

"I-It's okay, Star. It was a long time ago. I'm fine," he said quietly as he patted her on the back.

The words were a blatant lie, and he knew it.

"What happened?" Beast Boy asked, as memories of his own family's demise came to the forefront of his mind.

"They fell," he replied stiffly, "The ropes were tampered with. I was about to fly with them when it snapped. If I had left the platform a second sooner, I wouldn't be here today."

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