Of All Days

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Summary: The one day Robin decides to go out on the town in civvies with the Titans, some "old friends" from Gotham Academy decide to have a chat.

Warning, bullying mentioned.

Robin was more than hesitant to take off the mask. He had worn it for so long, it felt almost wrong to remove it. But he had promised his team a day off, a day where they could just be teenagers instead of teenage heroes.

    Today was going to be a full day of fun as they played the part of normal civilians. Or well, as normal as a sorceress, an alien, a shapeshifter, and a cyborg could be. Robin was perhaps the only Titan that could masquerade as the average teen, a fact he both loved and loathed, because his civilian identity was just as recognizable as his hero one.

   Trading his mask for a pair of stylish sunglasses, Robin sighed as he brought a little bit of Dick Grayson to the surface. He stared at himself in the mirror, and he had to remind himself that it was his reflection staring back; it had been so long since he had taken a break from being Robin.

   His normally gelled back hair hung loose and free, his short gypsy curls back in full force with nothing to hold them back. His colorful uniform was replaced by an untucked sky blue button up and a stylish pair of brown pants with a pair of leather shoes to match. His style reeked of money, but being the adopted son of Bruce Wayne meant having an expensive wardrobe that hid his humble roots as a circus performer.

     Adjusting his sleeves for a more casual look, he ran his fingers through his hair one more time before stepping out of his bedroom to meet his friends, putting on a brave face. Who knew being normal would be so daunting? Had it really been that long since he put away the mask?

     Cyborg whistled when he entered the main living area. "Man, Rob, you sure do clean up nice."

    Robin rubbed the back of his neck in a surprising display of bashfulness. "Uh, thanks, Cy. You look good too."

    Cyborg had opted for a pair of sweatpants and the gray hoodie he wore when they first met. He definitely looked and felt ready for a much needed day off.

    "Yo, wassup, dudes!" Beast Boy greeted as he slid into the main room. Gone was his standard black and purple uniform. In its place was a bright yellow T-shirt, and pair of khaki shorts, and some well-loved sneakers. The green changeling paused for a split second as he looked his leader up and down. 

     "Dude, I almost didn't recognize you there for a sec. I feel kinda underdressed now."

    "Don't worry about," Robin brushed him off, "It was one of the only outfits I had that wasn't a uniform or training clothes. Guess it's a good thing we're going shopping today."

   Sometimes, it was hard being the rich one in the friend group.

    "Hello, friends! We are ready for the day of relaxing!" Starfire unintentionally interrupted as she and Raven flew into the room.

    The alien princess had traded her traditional outfit for one more befitting of Earth. She wore white shorts and a purple, spaghetti strap top, and her knee high boots were replaced by a pair of sandals. She had even styled her hair into a high ponytail instead of letting it hang loose.

    Raven wore a simple pair of jeans and a loose, black T-shirt followed by a deep blue jacket with a hood. Robin wouldn't have been surprised if she had somehow transformed her cape and cowl in to the coat. The sorceress kept her belt and shoes, and it honestly was a good style for her.

    "That's everybody," Cyborg stated with growing excitement as he nudged them to the elevator, "To the T-car!"

   Starfire squealed with delight, and Beast Boy cheered, making Robin relax just a tiny bit. Maybe this day trip wouldn't be as bad as he thought.

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