Chapter 2

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Okay, when I put it like that, it's no wonder Sascha's jaw hit the floor. It was true, Justin Hart's father did get my mother pregnant, but there was more to the story than that.

First, she wasn't really my mother. I knew that I was adopted from the moment I could comprehend the news. Knowing this seemed to make her leaving hurt more than knowing she wasn't my real mother. She had chosen me and then tossed me aside the moment a better offer came along. I considered her my mother, and when she finally gave birth to a daughter of her own, I felt like I'd been replaced. Which brings me to the next part of the story. Caroline lost the right to be called mother when she cheated on my dad with his oldest friend. The day she told us she was pregnant was the worst of my dad's life. He couldn't have children. It was the reason they chose to adopt in the first place. 

I hadn't just lost my mother that day, my dad had lost his wife and best friend, too.

These memories flowed through my mind as I stood there watching Justin in all his tall, dark and handsome glory. He represented the fracture of my family. By no fault of his own, of course, but still. Caroline had left me and played mother to him.

I should hate him. I should turn around and walk out the door. And I shouldn't think twice about it. But watching him as he plugged in a microphone and set it on its stand, I couldn't. The way he ran his hand through his hair and nodded at someone as they walked by reminded me of other things.

Hot Café Guy.

A clicking sound in my ear made me jump. "Hello, Elle, you still with us?" I turned to Sascha who regarded me with concern. "Are you okay?"

I sighed. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

"Do you want to leave?" She looked disappointed.

"No," I shook my head. "We're here for a good night, so let's have a good night."

She was sceptical. "Are you sure?" Sascha and I had been friends since kindergarten. She knew what happened with Caroline, among other things. We'd been there for each other almost our entire lives, which was why I couldn't let her down tonight.

I turned to her with a genuine smile. "Of course. The almighty Boyfriend Approval Panel is here and it's time to get to work."

Sascha laughed out loud. "Alright, come on then, but be nice." She took hold of my hand and pulled me through the assembling crowd. We bypassed the bar and walked up to the small stage where Dale smiled as soon as he noticed Sascha approaching.

He kissed her on the cheek in greeting and I witnessed something I hadn't seen in a long time. Sascha blushed. I squeezed the hand I still held in mine, showing her I was here for support. "Dale, this is my best friend, Elle. Elle, this is Dale."

Dale nodded a hello and smiled again. "How's it going?" He was cute. Only a few inches taller than Sascha, but she was wearing heels. Brown eyes. Short sandy hair styled to perfection. Stubble. Definitely cute.

I crossed my arms and made my scrutiny obvious as I looked him over, treating his greeting as an inquiry into his performance. The B.A.P. was serious business. "That depends on how well you do tonight," I replied with a smirk.

Sascha let out a nervous giggle and fixed me with a glare. "She's joking."

"Am I?" I continued, much to her horror.

Dale laughed. "I guess I've got someone else to impress tonight."

"I've heard all about you, Dale O'Donoghue. Hopefully you live up to the expectations."

"Okay! Wow!" Sascha interrupted, eyes wide. "We're going over there now." She took me by the shoulders and turned me around. To Dale she said, "I'll see you after?"

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