Chapter 9

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"Wet pussies! Yew!" Emily screamed as she raised her hands above her head and gave a little shimmy.

No, she wasn't drunk. In fact, she hadn't even finished her first drink. The night was just beginning, and apparently, a tray full of wet pussy shots was the trigger that got her started.

"Thanks Isaac," she cooed to the guy who placed the shots in front of us.

Isaac, who smiled widely behind his beard, nodded to the guy next to him. "Thank Benji," he said. "He's feeling generous tonight."

Benji looked almost exactly the same as Isaac. They were both brunette with hipster length beards and wore plaid shirts. Where Isaac wore a drooping beanie, Benji opted for a single, small hoop earring as an accessory.

Who were these guys? I glanced sideways at Sascha hoping she'd have some insight, but she seemed just as confused as I was.

Emily noticed our look and interjected. "Oh, sorry," she apologised, raising her voice to be heard over Dream of Darcy playing on the stage nearby. "Sass and Ellie, this is Isaac and Benji. Isaac is Darcy's boyfriend."

Was it just me or did I hear an air of annoyance lace her tone? Wasn't she just thanking him? And since when did Darcy have a boyfriend?!

If Sascha was surprised, she wasn't showing it. Granted, she'd been hanging around Dale's friends for weeks before dragging me along. It had only been two since my first adventure to Uni Bar. But to have not heard about Darcy having a boyfriend in that time, on top of an overnight trip? Was that normal?

Benji leaned his elbows on the bar table and pointed a finger at Sascha. "Now, you I've seen here before. Sass with the attitude to match." She shrugged one shoulder, not denying the assumption. Benji turned his attention, and his finger, to me. "But you, you're new." He held his hand out for a shake.

I took it and introduced myself. "Ellie."

He held onto my hand longer than appropriate and looked me directly in the eye. "Well, Ellie, can I offer you a wet pussy?"

I couldn't hold it in and snorted.

Sascha cracked it and even Emily had a giggle. I put my free hand over my mouth to suppress my own. "I'm sorry," I said, trying to straighten my face. Wow! How did he manage that with such a straight face? "Has that line ever gotten you into bed?"

"Bed?" he questioned, eyebrows furrowing in mock confusion. "You dirty girl! I was simply offering you a drink." Benji finally let go of my hand to push forward the wet pussy shots on the table. "But if it's another kind you're after, I'd be happy to oblige."

My giggle finally escaped. Under the table, I felt a tap on my leg. Glancing down discreetly, I saw Emily's hand making a no way, don't do it sign, one usually made at neck level. What was that about? Whatever it was, if Emily of all people was sending me negative signs, she must be serious. So, I humoured her.

"Thank you for the shot." I made my tone very clear as I turned back to him. He seemed to get the message.

"Your loss, gorgeous," he conceded and straightened up. Isaac clapped him on the shoulder, clearly amused by his mate's rejection.

"Shall we, ladies?" Isaac offered the shots to us again and we each took one.

We held the small glasses to our lips and Emily counted down from three. The vodka burned going down my throat and my head shook involuntarily. I wasn't a great fan of shots, having had one too many on more than one occasion. But this was vodka, not tequila. I had a tumultuous relationship with tequila.

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